David Haines

David Haines – Doylestown, PA

In the last 4 years of my Network Marketing career, I’ve learned quite a few things. I’ve grown in ways I never imagined possible. I’ve seen others grow and I’ve seen others wither and drop off the vine. I’ve seen people do extraordinary things, and I’ve seen people do the stupidest things imaginable. And through all that, I’ve come to the conclusion that the one thing… The one key that unlocks the door to success comes down to one principle that if you follow it, you can’t help but be successful too.
That principle is “Persistence”. It’s what ties all the other traits together. It doesn’t matter what you do if you’re not persistent at it. It doesn’t matter what you believe unless you persistently believe it. Desire isn’t as important. Neither is Faith, Knowledge, Auto-Suggestion, Imagination or Planning, because if you’re not persistent in any of those other pieces, you will fail.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve worked with a person that has that white hot burning desire and has faith in what they’re doing, but they lack the persistence to keep at it when things get tough.
For those of you who have kids, I’m sure you’ve seen the movie Ants. There’s a scene in that movie where all the ants are walking in the straight line as they do, and a huge leaf falls to the ground and blocks their path. All of a sudden all the ants are scurrying around and screaming that they’re lost.
All because a leaf fell in their path.
That’s what most people do. When presented with an obstacle, they stop dead in their tracks and think all is lost. They give up. Or they go searching for some other thing that they think will work, and once again they’ll be marching along and encounter another leaf, or setback and they’re gone.
Now, you can say to me, David, at least they haven’t given up completely, they’re at least persistent enough to keep trying! That’s true. , but let’s say you’re building a house and you get half way done and you run out of nails and the hardware store has them back-ordered. Do you quit and decide you’re going to start a new house and use only screws to build the new house because screws are in good supply? Or what if you’re in the middle of building the house and someone comes along and says, “That house is the ugliest house in the neighborhood! Nobody will ever buy that!” Would it be wise to tear it all down and start over? Or what if you do finish the house and you love it, but nobody else you talk to sees what you see. They want town-homes, not a single family home. They want something smaller, or larger, or easier to move into. Do you give up and abandon the house to get into one of those other homes?
I know my analogies are silly, but seriously, people do those things in Network Marketing every day. I’ve seen it. I’ve experienced it. What’s really silly is that if they’d have just stuck to the original plan and been persistent with it, they would have already seen success or would be a heck of a lot closer to it than they are starting over every few months.
Persistence is the key to make this all work. Don’t give up. Don’t let the obstacles block your path and deter your mission. Follow The Slight Edge Principle. Everything else will fall into place.
With love and blessings,
David Haines

Lesson plan from David Haines on chapter 9 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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