David H Paul

David H. Paul- St. Cloud, MN USA

“The POWER SOURCE for the Mastermind is always present,  waiting for HARMONIOUS connection. HARMONY is one of the fundamental Natural Laws by which all Attraction, Gravity and Vibration operate. It is a characteristic of the Universe and Universal Mind. -Ken Klemm
I’ve belonged to many mastermind groups in my life: support groups, committees, 12 step groups, youth groups, high school band, my church community. Most of these groups had a very positive impact on my growth and development. In fact, I would say that a vast majority of my growth and development over the course of my entire life has been the direct result of participating in mastermind groups of one sort or another.  I that is the case, and it clearly is so, then why is it, when it come to running a business ,whether it’s my foster home or my network marketing business, I seem to think that I have to do it all myself. “If it is going to be, it is up to me!”, my mind rings out. Somehow I have gotten persistence connected to doing it alone in my life and business.  I’m not sure how that connection got made, and I know that I sure a heck need to Let Go of Trying to Figure It Out.
My focus in my life and in my business needs to be on this amazing Power of the Mastermind, Where I have found HARMONIOUS, real connections with people who want to become more, just like me. When we come together, with a definite purpose, in the spirit of HARMONY, we each become exponentially more: More loving, more giving, more willing to receive, more open to change, more enthusiastic, more passionate, more ALIVE. The Power of the Mastermind gives us All the feelings we need, for as long as we need feel them, in order to create entire worlds. Create a network marketing organization? Piece of Cake.
So, right now, right here, as I write these words to you, I am imagining all of us coming together, with a definite purpose, in a spirit of complete HARMONY, creating a whole new family the likes of which the network marketing world has never seen. I can feel the love, desire, sex, romance, enthusiasm, hope, faith and prosperity in and for All Of Us. Can You? That is what I imagine when I now feel the power of the mastermind we call Mentoring for Free.
To Your Peace and Prosperity,
David H. Paul
PS- Why would anyone Ever want to do it alone?

Lesson plan from David H Paul on chapter 10 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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