David H Paul

David H. Paul- St. Cloud, MN USA

This week we are going to talk about a topic that many people want to avoid, persistence. Persistence requires consistent, daily effort and action. Can the actions be effortless? Sure they can be, as long as we have done the previous 8 steps (chapters) in “Think and Grow Rich”.
Michael share the $100,000 Success Formula with us on the Monday Leaders Skills call, and it fit right in with exact what I need to be persistent in doing right now. Here are the 5 Skill Sets that Michael laid out:
1. The number of people we talk to per day.
Not the number of people we email, text message, or Skype with, the mumber of people we actually have a direct voice conversation with, either via telephone or Skype call. (This has been a major week spot for me, and has help me back from growing my business.)
2. The Quality of the people we are talking to
Most of the people who download “Success in 10 Steps” are people who already believe in network marketing and Want Desparately to have success. Pretty good quality of people to talk to. To really push in over the edge, I asked myself “Am I the kind of person who attracts the leaders in network marketing?
3. How much do People Like Me?
Most people either can’t stand me, or they are really impressed with my enthusiasm and consistent, truthful message. One thing I have definitely learn from 30 Day Mental Cleanse is that I have become the person that people want to join. (which we cover in more detail in #5)
4. You Skill and Knowledge Level
From what I have learned in Mentoring for Free, there are three major skill bases that I must master in order to become the leader I want to become in network marketing: 1) A working knowledge of my company and products (even a belief in them) 2) A personal development program that teaches me How To Think not What To Think, and 3) the skill of being able to communicate effectively with any personality (we call that the Colors to Success in MFF).
5. You Success Thermostat
How much do I Believe that I Can Have the Success that I want. Can I look myself in the mirror and say, “I Love You”? Those skills, the skills of persistent Self-Development, are what we develop when we fully participate in 30 Day Mental Cleanse.
When we honestly look at these 5 Skills Sets, if any of them are coming up a 0 (goose egg), then That is the area to Focus on with absolute persistence. In order to get that kind of focused persistence it is probably going to be necessary to face some F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real). Please, do yourself and you family a favor an ask for help with those fears. At Mentoring for Free, we have a well honed persistence in helping network marketers overcome fear.
To Your Peace and Prosperity,
David H. Paul
St. Cloud, MN USA

Lesson plan from David H Paul on chapter 9 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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