Chapter 7 Organised planning and leadership personal lesson from think and grow rich

Chapter 7 Organized planning and leadership

In order to be leader we must learn from those leaders that have gone before us weather they are a good or bad influence depends on each of us. We must search for those leaders who are good and motivating to us. For many years I have been learning leadership and ways to be a good leader as a person. At times there have been some wonderful leaders who have stuck beside me until I could get my feet on the ground and believe within myself, others its been more lets just work through this and find a way on my own.

The part that struck me the most was the causes of failure for leadership. All of which have seen within my life, yet the most promiminent thing was that I was lacking the skills to be a successful leader. A lot of this had to do with listening to the people who were not leaders in their own way and also the negative influences who challenged my own leadership.

A saying from the transformers movie is very potent here “Leadership is not granted it is earnt”. Essentially we must earn the right to lead, as Napoleon states in this chapter leadership by force will eventually crumble as people are unwilling to follow such a leader for too long. Everyone has their own pattern for leadership and how they lead. Yet in our own familys you are unable to force someone to do something they are unprepared to do for long. Eventually they resist and start bucking up.

As a rule my own style of leadership happens to be I tend to ask in the best manner I can. Yet others can tend to take it a different way, they are unable to understand what am saying although is said using my own words. As hill states the following is a list of the 10 major causes of failure within leadership.

1) Inability to organise details

2) Unwillingness to render humble service

3) Expectation of pay fro what they know instead of what they do with that which they know

4) Fear of completion from followers

5) Lack of imagination

6) Selfishness

7) Intemperance

8) Disloyalty

9) Emphasis of the authority of leadership

10) Emphasis of title

In learning leadership I have seen many people who have been more impressed with the title and even having power over others. They let that power go to their head, that they will put someone else down even right infront of them. They get their power from tearing others down as a person making others feel small. It’s a ego boost to them, these are the sharks who will tread on anyone to get their own way.

They emphasie their title and their authority quite often hurting others. There are people who say just keep on talking to people when you ask them a question, its their standard answer. Just keep on selling to others, yet network marketing is far from such it’s a personal development business with a compensation plan attached and it is also about relationships not the sell, sell, sell. We must develop our own style of leadership and let those people fall to the side, yes there are going to be those who get their ego boost from putting someone down, from tearing people apart as they are scared.

They have such a big ego that they are incapable of realising they have pushed people away. Each of us is a leader in many areas, we are a leader in our own families, in network marketing, in the groups we associate with. For us to be a leader we must be willing to let our ego go, that is often the hard part. Weather the ego has to do with pain of love, material things, title or something else. It must be put away.

Its taken a while for me to let go of the past the pain and at times it still catches up with me, there is work to do and that is ok. I will get there, recently I decided after a 2 month break to get back out there searching for someone who could share my love with. Realising how social I am as a person I choose to concentrate on someone who could easily have such with a good social interacation with too.

Getting to know the person am dating right now has been good, that I can talk about a lot and feel safe with them. Safe enough to have them at my home, for me that is something that has been rare over the years. Yet now it is possible, I started by planning to find this person, determining the desire, the date and what was going to do. Yet also said I am going to keep on going until, I had to learn to love myself. This is a major work in progress to allow myself to be able to maintain the friendships I have. A new friend at least.

Yet I was also listening to my sixth sense saying you need to get back out there, you are going to meet this person after this date on the beach. When I met this person it was near the beach, we went to grab a hot drink and sat on the beach talking for a couple of hours getting to know each other. Then meet up a couple of days afterwards. It takes a leader to get out there and take the risks, it takes a leader to admit their wrong and it takes a leader determined to continue until despite what osticles they may face.

Thank you to Michael, Willena, Ken and the wonderful particpents of the mental cleanse for your inspiration, love and guidance. I love ya all,

Abundent love,

Ben Drake,

Mona Vale Sydney Australia

Personal lesson plan for chapter 7 of the 30 day mental cleanse.

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