Brian Redding

Brian Redding – Chicago, Illinois

The Eighth Step toward Riches
Persistence is required if we are to be successful in achieving our goals.
There are only 4 simple steps that will take anyone to the habit of persistence.
They don’t need a great amount of intelligence, do not need one or more letters after our name and will take us all little time or effort.
Firstly, we must have a definite goal or purpose which is backed by a burning white-hot desire for it to be completed.
Secondly, we must have a definite plan which we must execute continuously daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.
Thirdly, we must always and I mean always keep our mind completely closed from all negative discouraging influences from our family relatives, friends and acquaintances.
And finally, we should form a friendly alliance with one or more persons who will encourage us to follow through both our plan and our purpose.
So let me apply these four habits of persistence to a mini goal that has been highlighted by my Network Marketing company.
Actually there are two mini goals which my company has challenged me with and they are:
(1)   To reach the status of Diamond Executive before December 1st so that I could receive a bonus of $10,000, and,
(2)   To sponsor 10 people before December 1st so as to be featured in a magazine.
Even though these are not lifelong goals, they are indeed mini goals or purposes to help me move forward on my lifetime journey.
When looking at these 2 purposes, by achieving the 2nd goal of sponsoring 10 people, will just about guarantee me reaching the first goal of reaching the Diamond status.
So what is my plan that will help me to achieve these two goals. My mentor Michael has said that I must go out and find customers and some of these customers will want to become distributors also.
We have one of the biggest shopping centers in the world here in the suburbs of Chicago called the “Woodfield Mall”. My plan is to go to this mall and speak to 10 people daily between 3pm and 5pm by using my marketing cards as my lead in.
I will also stay close to the fire which I have been doing diligently by being on each and every Mentoring for Free call.
Continuous calling of all my e-Book downloads who have shown that they are definitely coachable will be done more daily.
Pointing my present students to where training can be had on how to get e-Book downloads.
Staying away from people who are negative and want to bring me down to their rat hole must be exercised.
And finally, making an alliance with like-minded people who have the same dreams that I have which is my Network Marketing team.
We Love to all the members of this awesome Mastermind Group and thanks to all the mentors who help us daily keep with our persistence to become stars in this beautiful Network Marketing industry.
Special thanks go out to Michael and Linda for always believing in every one of us.
Brian Redding in Chicago

Lesson plan from Brian Redding on chapter 9 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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