Bob Shoaf

Bob Shoaf Alamogordo, NM

The Ninth Step toward Riches
Power is needed to translate plans into action.  Power is defined as organized effort sufficient to transmute desire into its monetary equivalent.  Effort being defined as the coordinated effort of two or more people working toward a definite end.
What makes Mentoring For Free so successful?  It’s one word, Michael!  He has acquired the knowledge (Infinite Intelligence), experience (accumulated experience) and has organized this knowledge into a very teachable system.
Michael always asked for comments from us to help us gain power.  He reminded us of this last Saturday evening on the Coach’s Corner Mastermind call.  He said he asks for comment so we can build our confidence.
Hill makes an analogy of a group of batteries providing more energy than a single battery.  This is a perfect example of how the mastermind group is able to create energy in each individual of the group.  Michael, by not allowing anyone in the group, to criticize another member is another example of building power within us.
The success of a mastermind group has been demonstrated many times throughout the last century.  Henry Ford began his business in poverty, illiterate and ignorant.  Within twenty-five years he had mastered these handicaps and became one of the richest men in America.
These accomplishments began when he befriended Thomas Edison, Harvey Firestone, John Burrough, Luther Burbank and others.
Gandhi is another example who is probably the most powerful man who has ever lived.
Hill suggests the chief source of power is headed by Infinite Intelligence.  We’ll learn more in subsequent chapters how Infinite Intelligence will help us attain the power needed to execute our plans.
Read, think and meditate as you read.  Soon the entire subject will become evident.
Anyone can wish for riches, and most people do, but only a few know that a definite plan, plus a burning desire are the only dependable means of creating effective action.
Thanks Michael, Linda, Dennis and all the members of the Mentoring For Free mastermind group.
Bob Shoaf
PS  This is an awesome system.

Lesson plan from Bob Shoaf on chapter 10 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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