Ben Miranda

Ben Miranda – Los Angeles, California

The Fifth Step toward Riches
Albert Einstein says, “Imagination is more important than Knowledge.”
OK. I have learned that General knowledge and Specialized Knowledge produces an Educated Person and he or she gets results through the assistance of his or her “Master Mind” group.
Now in this lesson, Master Napoleon teaches us:
• Imagination produces Ideas. They are the beginning of all “fortunes”
• Imagination is “the farm” in which all man’s “seeds” are planted, e.g. plans.
• Imagination makes possible to give form and shape Desires.
• Plans and Desires convey to take Action with Total Imagination.
As well, Master Hill calls attention about the role of IMAGINATION in human being growth. He makes a clear distinction between the two main types of imagination, that is “synthetic imagination” and “creative imagination”.
1. Synthetic Imagination takes place when old concepts, ideas or plans are arranged into new combinations. It is a sort of the manipulation of effects, a re-invention. It works with the material of experience.
2. Creative Imagination is the form of imagination that helps create basic concepts or new ideas. It is causal that creates effects, an invention, an art. It works in direct communication with Infinite Intelligence.
At this point, do we have a real distinction between these two imagination’s functions? To me this distinction is a critical understanding. Imagination, my inferring, is a global, integrated, independent mental function that produces unexpected ideas, that sparks plans and adds value to our Action, as the innate ability and process of inventing or rearranging them.
Throughout our human history, the human being has used the creative imagination to convert Ideas in the starting point of all fortunes and wellness.
The moral and teaching is that We must revive our own imaginative faculty and make alert through use. Please do not damp anybody’s imagination including ours. Never underestimate a person with a Vision.
Think, visualize, fantasize, dream, and create. Creation is identical to a battery. Positive is active-Creative Imagination. Negative is passive-Synthetic Imagination. Connect the two perfectly and you have power. The Power of Knowledge Applied. Be a Linchpin!
“Art requires imagination. It requires Creativity. Creativity requires experience and experience comes from your life. And your life is expressed in your art.”
– Bruce Lee
Thanks MFF’s friends, Masters, Mentors (…) for this incredible mastermind group that helps people own their lives.
Sincerely with love, honesty and gratitude,
Los Angeles, California, USA.

Lesson plan from Ben Miranda on chapter 6 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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