Uwe Wagner

Uwe Wagner – Oldenburg, Germany

During the last cycle I closed this lesson with the words:
“But now I have the faith I’ll see it – it’s just a matter of time.”
Oh yes, a lot has changed! Things began moving; things far beyond my control, out of my direct control … as I thought.
Have you ever seen the movie “Sleepless in Seattle”?
First, without any knowledge about those things Hill is talking about, it was just a nice story to me. But with this knowledge I found out that it is one of the greatest examples of the reaction of the universe upon a thought of a single mind.
In this case it’s the thought of the eight year old sun of a widower and he came to the conclusion that his father should look for a new wife to rebalance their lives.
This little boy has an unwavering faith that this is the right thing and that he can influence it. And truly “FAITH is the “eternal elixir” which gives life, power, and action to the impulse of thought!” For this he took action.
Keeping his faith – even when experiencing that nothing happens immediately – and by being open to the answers of the universe (talking through feelings) he adjusted his plan and took further action.
It’s fascinating how things emerge step by step. Oh, of course we also can see that the universe has its own wisdom and follows paths we never knew they even existed. Further we can learn how often we come within a whisker of the final solution, sometimes without being aware of it.
The boy kept his faith although all odds have been against him and his master mind group had shrunk to a single member, his girl friend. This kept him going. The way the opportunity was opened for him to travel across the country first seemed a bit farfetched. But after have coming across the books of Hill, Allen etc. I simply call it an unexpected solution. And everybody who has experienced a situation when everything seems to fall in place knows how energizing this is and how easy it is to keep the faith during this period.
But even in the end when it looks like his plan has failed he kept the faith. He kept it in a situation most of us would have given up already. Of course – as so often – the moment of truth, accomplishment, and surprise is near.
What did I learn from it?
Never give up. – Never ever lose faith.
There is always something moving already to my advantage, something I cannot perceive right now with my senses.
It is the time to remember that “…FAITH is a state of mind which may be induced, or created, by affirmation or repeated instructions to the subconscious mind …” that it’s time for my self talk to reinforce my faith.
And then take action, keep going and be patient.
In faith

Lesson plan from Uwe Wagner on chapter 3 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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