Tony Koker

Tony Koker – Stoughton, Massachusetts

Chapter 5
Specialized Knowledge
This is the chapter that I think I get, before even reading it, because I’ve been technical since High School, but I’ve finally figured out what I had wrong.
I’ve always associated specialized knowledge with that which most of us endeavor to acquire by going to school. We start off learning the basics, then, if we do well, we focus on something that interests us, or that we find fun, and continue with study of it in college. Although this is indeed a path away from general, learn-life-by-living-it knowledge, it is a plan that has been drawn up by others for us to accomplish their objectives. We are being trained to be good followers of someone else’s goals and dreams if we simply follow the plan that getting this education is the end, in and of itself, or the job it lands us. We CAN use schools and other training successfully. There are many good examples given in the book in this chapter.
What we’re studying this week involves coming to grips with the specialized knowledge needed to accomplish OUR goals and dreams. Some specialized knowledge we can acquire from others, rather than trying to know it all by ourselves. This is a relief to me, because I know, although I’m perfect, just the way I am, I’m better equipped when I am able to collaborate and share my skills with other people. Together everyone achieves more. But, _I_ DO have to have some skills.
I have to focus on the specialized knowledge needed exclusively for my desires. I cannot allow myself to become distracted. Being able to focus is an underlying component _I_ HAVE to deal with. I have to silence my negative thoughts. I have to silence the negative noise in my daily routines. I have to especially avoid those recurring thoughts that suggest things can be compromised or doing it later will be okay. It’s NOT.
Self-talk, or auto-suggestion, that we studied last week is the answer for me. This allows me to stay focused on the skills and knowledge I need, while quieting the noise. It reinforces the desires I am accomplishing. It infuses the emotion I need to stay positive and focused. It impresses upon my subconscious mind exactly how important this is to me. I have to repeat this, both mentally as well as out loud, so I HEAR it as well, many, many times a day.
My subconscious mind responds by pushing me into action. Learning how to get leads, customers and prospects is the specialized knowledge I need, in addition to using my subconscious for motivation.
Using our mastermind group I am able to tap into the specialized knowledge of others. I am also able to be tapped, like in a tag-team match, to help and assist others. I’ve found that the best lessons often come from the specialized knowledge of the apprentice, rather than the mentor. I never stop learning or gaining new insights. I’m still more the apprentice than the mentor, but my self-talk is keeping me strongly growing yet humble.
Specialized knowledge is clearly shown as an important ingredient in the recipe for successfully obtaining the magical incarnation of my desires and growing my understanding of this has empowered me with high vibration energy to continue to take action.
Thank you to everyone on the weekly calls. With your participation I am continuing to climb to ever more lofty heights of understanding and accomplishment in my desires and my ability to reach my hand out to help others do the same.
with gratitude and in service,
Tony, Lisa, Michael and Amanda Koker

Lesson plan from Tony Koker on chapter 5 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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