Russ Aker

Russ Aker Portland, OR USA

Think & Grow Rich, Chapter 3. Faith
Visualization of and Belief in Attainment of Desire
The Second Step toward Riches
Hill says all these principles in “Think & Grow Rich” are
one philosophy and as we read and study each principle
one begins to see how each interacts with the other. I
have made a note of several as they appear in this chapter
How to Develop Faith
First, we must make a “Decision” (principle 7) to do so.
Faith is a state of mind which may be induced, or created,
by affirmation or repeated instructions to the “Subconscious
Mind” (principle 11), through “Autosuggestion” (principle 3).
We cannot hesitate on the fence; we must decide to take
this action. Do not wait until tomorrow because it is “ALWAYS”
Follow this idea. Our quest is to acquire the ability to
transmute the intangible thought impulse of our “Desire”
(principle 1) into its physical counterpart. By following the
instructions laid down in the chapters on Autosuggestion,
and the Subconscious Mind, one may convince the
Subconscious Mind that we’ll receive that for which we ask,
which our subconscious mind passes back to us in the form of
“Faith.” I am what I say I am regardless of the evidence.
Follow that with definite “Plans” (principle 6) for procuring that
which you desire. This whole idea must be backed by Persistence
(principle 8). Hill says the reason most men do not obtain their
hearts desire is because they stop short of the desired goal, a
good example in chapter 1, stopping 3 feet from gold.
So many people will read a book like this and understand
the instruction but never really follow the instruction. We
just read the next book. Here is what you must do, stop
and apply the instruction. Giving orders to our
subconscious through Autosuggestion is a practice that
must be done hundreds of times through daily repetition.
Hill says, “Perfection will come through practice”.
Remember, the thirteen basic principles of this philosophy
easily fit together but to make them work for us, we must
do the work specifically outlined in this book.
Hill says, “Faith is the only know antidote for failure.
Every person is what they are because of the dominating
thoughts they permit to occupy their mind.” Do you “truly”
have faith in yourself to succeed in Network Marketing?
Think bout it. Think about what faith is. Read and apply
the instruction on acquiring faith.
The stronger the emotion in our Autosuggestion the stronger
the attraction of similar thought. Be watchful, fearful
thoughts attract fearful thought. You can stop this by
becoming aware. Positive thought through positive auto
suggestion will attract similar thought. But you must work
at it and never stop. Whats that you say, “Sounds like hard
work and a long time.” No, it’s called changing your life to
receive what you want. It is different than wishing and
waiting for things to change. It is taking responsibility & action.
We don’t do what needs to be done because our
confidence lies in what other people think of us. We have
already decided what someone else will think and not even
given them there right to choose. Here is an idea. Since
we all like to be right, why don’t we just do what needs to
be done to be successful in our business, take the appropriate
action we’re taught. The worst that will happen is we’ll be
right about what others think and each time we’re wrong we’ll
be a step closer to manifesting our desire.
Hill says, “Resolve to throw off the influences of any unfortunate
environment, and to build your own life to order. Take an
honest personal inventory and we’ll discover that our
greatest weakness is lack of self-confidence.” There is a
formula for self-confidence in this chapter. We must read
and apply this formula daily.
Hill talks about a new faith in business because of leaders
who understand the principles of men like Mahatma Gandhi.
Hill says, “The watchwords of the future will be human
happiness and contentment.” This can now be seen in many
excellent companies in our industry. “Mentoring for Free”
leaders teach the 5-Pillars of Do Diligence aiding network
marketers to identify the kind of companies and leadership
Hill speaks of.
Russ Aker
Portland, OR

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