Roger & Edna Boisjoli

Roger & Edna Boisjoli, Elie, Manitoba, Canada

The First Step toward Riches
Hill says
“Every human being who reaches the age of understanding of the purpose of
money, wishes for it. Wishing will not bring riches. But desiring riches with a
state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and
means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence which does
not recognize failure, will bring riches.”
Wishing will never get you what you want. You have to want it so badly that you can taste it. Hill lays
out a six step method by which DESIRE for riches can be transmuted into its financial equivalent. I have
followed this method. I started soon after I read chapter two the last time. I have written a specific
amount to be achieved at a very specific date. I saved this in a file called My Purpose.
I have been reading “The Go Giver” in the last few days. I have never read a book that was so easy to read
and understand. I started and the next thing I knew I had read over 60 pages. This book reenforces the
lessons we learn on the Mental Cleanse. I intend reading it over a few more times at least. I’m sure I
missed some key issues along the way.
Hill suggest that we “burn our ships” so that we are strongly motivated to fight harder. I can see why he
says that. If we don’t burn our ships then we will have them on the back of our mind as a way to escape
defeat. If we burn our ships there will be only one thing to focus on and that is winning. We must be
one-minded in our quest for success. Lose focus on your goal and you lose.
Wow! What a great call we had Monday afternoon. Michael wanted people to unmute and tell us all how the
Mental Cleanse has impacted them. I wanted to talk but every time I tried I got so emotional I would not
have been able to.
Well Michael, I can sum it all up in one word : HOPE!. MFF and the mental cleanse have given me hope. I
now know that there is gold and how I can go about getting it. I know it doesn’t happen overnight but I
know that with my burning desire and determination and persistence, I WILL get there.
Thank you Michael, Linda, Charlie, Ken and all the other caring mentors in this group.
Roger & Edna Boisjoli

Lesson plan from Roger & Edna Boisjoli on chapter 2 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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