Marsha Sortino

Marsha Sortino – Boston, MA

I have to give credit where credit is due!
This chapter has been the beginning of an incredible understanding that I never realized in the past could make a world of differnce in my life.
And being most aware of my self talk has allowed me to trace my path of this most powerful tool we all have.
Auto-suggestion or self talk is powerful, so powerfully incredible when mixed with our emotions that the energy manifests your desires!
Once you start to experience it for yourself, you can’t be without it.
And now I see that it must be where and how those rags to riches stories begin, not born just out of sheer luck, but also a turning point of understanding that what you think is what you will receive. And self talk is your personal talk to yourself that brings out this magic and energy!
And since I have slowly been seeing the magic in my self talk igniting my dreams again, I can’t help but feel sure about the substance of self talk and how it works.
So tracing my path, I arrived in Boston a second time with a very small suitcase of clothes. I had a few boxes of personal items mailed to my Boston address. Coming from a point of having to rebuild my life over again, I left a job in South Carolina and arrived in Boston to start looking for a job. What a difficult task this turned out to be! No car as I left my car behind and the idea of driving in Boston was not appealing anyway. So here I was No job, No car, and barley enough money to open a bank account. I’d say my journey starts off as a hard luck story.
Anyway talk about anxiety! I had it all from A-Z. Every worry, every negative thought that could cross my path, every what if, and every I am doomed feeling my mind perceived, you name it, I had it. But I still saw how blessed I was! I had a roof over my head and food in my belly. And I have always prayed to God no matter what my situation.
And so began my introduction to my first MLM company. And along with this introduction, I had absolutely no knowledge, no skills, and no real training! I just plunged into the unknown! And I won’t kid you here, plunging into the unknown for me has been something I have done quite often in my life. Some with good outcomes but more often with bad outcomes. But it has never stopped me to take the plunge.
And then I was introduced to this wonderful book, called Success in 10 Steps, which fascinated me.
I had so many aha moments that it was treasure to me! But being a blue with all the other things on my mind at the time, it took me quite awhile to finish reading it. And then my computer went on the bling. Looking back, I realize that I had been worrying about lots of things that could go wrong with my computer bacause now I did not have my friend who lives in South Carolina to lean on for my computer issues!
Of course, at that time I still had not learned that thoughts are things. Proof that what you think about, worry about, can and does happen.
Then charting this course of what has happened to me since learning that thoughts are things, I learned about auto-suggestion, otherwise called self talk by getting on the mental cleanse and writing. Another plunge into the unknown but oh my what an awesome plunge and learning journey to be on!
I can definitely say that when I started to say my self talk, my prayers even changed! My prayers changed to become more positive, less doubtful, much more directive with belief and faith. And it was my self talk that gave life to my prayers! There is no doubt in my mind that God directed me to this path with MFF and the 30 day mental cleanse!
When you chart the course and reflect back to when you first began in the journey and you see and feel the difference in your thoughts because of studying this book, T&GR, there is really no denying that your self talk can change your world!
So far, I have proof upon proof that my self talk evolved and has changed my world.
1) My computer story above. My computer treats me better now. But I am also very thankful to finally be connected to a community with MFF and real people who have helped me. The training I have recieved with every aspect of the computer world, understanding more technical stuff has been quite a blessing for me!
2) One of my desires had always been that I love traveling, just get up and go kind of spur of the moment traveling. It’s my time to fill my bucket list and do these things. I have been traveling more and more now since developing my self talk. Your thoughts definitely can work like a magnet to attract what you desire!
3) This past month, my buttocks were starting to feel the pain of sitting all day long on a hard wooden bench at the kitchen table, even with a cusion. So my thoughts have been also about having a desk, instead of the kichen table and having a nice computer chair to use. I woke up this Sunday morning, said good morning to my mom and my brother, and was so surprised to hear them announce to me that they bought me a desk and chair! I could understand if I had expressed this desire out loud, but I never had! They have helped me so immensely already that this desire was just silently in my head. And yet manifest for me, It did.
This should probably be written for the thoughts are things chapter but I am writing it here because it relates to my self talk as I clearly see the power of self talk and how I got my desires to start manifesting. I say my self talk everyday, at least 400 times a day, if not more.
I was thinking just now, I will be a story that turns out to be from rags to riches, not maybe but certainly! And it’s time for me to think Bigger as these small little steps have offered me great proof that I can expect more great things!
And so what are you waiting for Marsha?! You have seen the magic of what your self talk does! Now go out there and claim your desires. Before I was taking baby steps and now with the self confidence built in me now it’s time to think bigger, on a grander scale!
And if I can change my life with self talk, then anyone can!
Personally for me, self talk has helped me to “own my thoughts”, be responsible for them, and disregard the thoughts that aren’t really a part of me. Self talk has also built me up, helped me gain confidence, knowing full well that any other thoughts could tear me down, making it difficult to see the divine in me. And we are all designed by the Divine. Self talk has also brought me more clarity and awareness.
So that is what the rest of my unwritten chapter plans to do now. Think bigger and on a grander scale! My journey and unwritten story continues and I’ll have more wonderful things to report along the way, so stay tuned you all.
Auto-suggestion or self talk – I have to give credit where credit is due!
Much love and appreciation,
Marsha Sortino

Lesson plan from Marsha Sortino on chapter 4 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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