Lois Anna

Lois Anna – Wisconsin

The Second Step toward Riches
I am studying this chapter to acquire the ability to transmute positive emotion into positive choices that create a regular income (money). Faith can be created and induced by repeating positive affirmations to my subconscious mind through auto-suggestion.
Faith is a beautiful emotion. Faith in what we will accomplish is where the beauty lies. I must have this faith even through my daily responsibilities. If I get caught up in what I cannot do because things are hard I am doomed to failure. When I fill my mind with positive emotions and speak affirmations I will succeed.
Yes, I have always worked hard at a job and have been very successful. In the last few years I’ve had to balance the 24/7 responsibility of 2 children on my own. And with one child who struggles in social situations and who doctors say should be on medication – life isn’t always easy.
That is why I chose the Mentoring for Free System. It allows me to work from home and be home for my children.
I am a mom with 2 children who need my love and care. I have to put them first so that they will grow into healthy and centered adults. Life isn’t as easy as it was without these responsibilities that I have been given.
Yes, I’ve been going around in circles lately. My blue mind has been confused. I called my mentor and told her to boss me around a little. I needed someone to tell me and help me get back in the groove. Traveling for the past month has been great, but being home is better.
Faith grows as I think about and guide my subconscious mind to think the thoughts that will cause success for me and a balanced life for my family.
I am not doomed to poverty, misfortune and failure. I will not allow negative thoughts in my mind. Negative thoughts become physical reality, and I sure do know how it feels and like to be on the success side of life through positive thoughts and emotions.
I will guide my mind by focusing on the most important things first. God, Family & Business. Focusing on a positive balanced life and happy healthy children is my goal and purpose.
Thank You Michael and Linda for Mentoring for Free,
Lois Anna

Lesson plan from Lois Anna on chapter 3 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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