Ken Klemm

Ken Klemm – Florida, USA

The Life of a Farmer
1. (Thought). Every springtime on the farm begins with
preparing the soil and sowing seeds. The seed contains
the IDEA, the design, the blueprint for a mature plant
yielding abundance at harvest.
The selection of seed is critical. Good seeds yields
good harvest. Nightshade seed yields poison. The farmer
sows enough seeds to compensate for the birds who steal
some, etc.
2. (Desire). The harvest in autumn is always in the
farmer’s mind as he toils through the difficult summer.
Summer is a war with adverse weather, weeds and pests.
The battles rage on daily. The DESIRE and HOPE of an
abundant harvest fuels the farmer through these daily
Your Friend and Servant,
Ken Klemm – Florida, USA
P.S. 1. The ONLY thing in the world You have complete
control over is Your THOUGHTS.
P.S. 2. If You lack the energy to perform Your
necessary daily tasks, then Your DESIRE is what lacks.
Lesson plan from Ken Klemm on chapter 2 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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