Ian Flewelling

Ian Flewelling Alberta Canada

“Write exact desire and exact time of acquiring it.
Describe the service you will give for it.
Read out loud twice daily the written statement of your
desire for money, and see and feel yourself already in possession
of the money!”
Your ability to use the principle of auto-suggestion will depend, very largely,
upon your capacity to concentrate upon a given desire until that desire
becomes a burning obsession.”
“Read it over and over ! Say it out loud over and over !”
In my experience
There never was a Burning Obsession
There never has been.
Given Desire ?
I have a degree, undergrad but never-the-less a degree
I even also graduated with honours from the computer collage and I was for one whole month, student of the month there.
I have a wife, I do not have enough space to begin to do justice to her or to what that means to me.
I have a wonderful bunch of kids, again no space to begin to do justice to them.
We live out of town.
I had a wonderful family to grow up in.
I couldn’t have picked a better place to grow up or a better time to do so.
I was bored silly at school but there was none of the, none, of the frantic, heartwrenching stuff that went on or goes on in other schools – at least I was immune or may be just too stupid to notice it if it was there. I never got involved in any case. There were a couple of teachers whom I would gladly have traded in . . .
I have never been hungry.
I have not yet been desperate, for any thing or any reason . . .
That is my why – why I am not on my grand way to Bigger Better Most Wonderful l l !
How much more could there be ?
Not that I am really un aware that there is a whole lot more out there but my self talk has been
I am satisfied with who I am, who is around me, what I have achieved,
I look at the world around me and the people around me and all the bad stuff that is so often involved and I say,
I had it good, I Have it good !
I see so many Achievers who had a Big Emotional Event (or Series) that
Motivated them to decide that there Had to be more, things Had to change
(desire mixed with strong emotion = burning obsession)
(interesting how it so often seems to take very negative experience to be the motivation . . .)
I know, I know, there is a list as long as my long arm of things that need fixing, things that need replaced, I really am smart enough to see the possibilities of even much more than all that would require . . .
Self talk Is important. Having some thing to talk about is important. Kindling the fire is important, strong emotion to mix with it.

Lesson plan from Ian Flewelling on chapter 4 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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