Ernest Tucker Rogersville Alabama

Ernest Tucker Rogersville Alabama

Chapter 2
Each time I have read chapter 2 desire I understand it a little more. At first I was thinking of desire as wanting something. My wanting or desire was really nothing that I needed it was just something I would like to have. It was like I would love to have two thousand dollars a month extra and I knew it was just a dream I would never get that.
I realized that a desire has to be something you wanted more than life itself. You dream about it you loose sleep trying to figure out how I can do that, Impossible never happen forget it. But then I read chapter 2 for the 4th or 5th time WOW!
I had learned about negative thoughts that fill your mind with trash and about burning your bridges behind you. So now I learned I have only one choice, well maybe two or three. It’s either fall down and die, give up, sink or swim. I have been down those roads before and I chose to pick my self up never give up and learn to swim.
I knew it wasn’t going to be easy learning about network marketing but I was going to try. I answered an ad and Shelly Bishop called me and just talked I keep waiting for her to ask me for money but she never did and she told me she was sending me a book to read it nothing else and that was my start. Months later she introduced me to Michael and he introduced me to his wife Linda.
Later I was introduced to “Think and Grow Rich” and I joined mentoring for free. I never spoke up or wrote a lesson and after the 15 chapter ad we started on chapter one again and I finally wrote my first lesson. My desire began to grow. I didn’t think my lesson was all that great but Michael did.
I had to join Shelly’s team if I wanted to be successful. My desire to become rich and have a strong team was beginning to burn inside me however I had many failures many faults and many fears. Michael’s training calls was teaching me about the colors but not enough. He was teaching me how to talk but I was slow in learning. I couldn’t even talk on the phone to prospects. Now I am waking up thinking about the colored girl who didn’t back up and she got her 50 cents. Edison tried ten thousand times before he made his burning desire succeed. Ford 2 years before he made the v8 engine. The Wright brothers building a plane that flew. Von Braun putting a man on the moon. They all had many failures but never gave up. They spent years with a white hot burning desire to accomplish their desire never giving up until their desire was a reality.
I had to realize I had only small burning desire to accomplish my goal. To succeed I had to build a white hot burning desire that couldn’t be put out to never turn back always forward. I had to learn to talk to people without fear learn the colors build my why and most of all accept the help Shelly Michael and Linda was giving me without questions. I had to believe in myself. I learned to talk to that guy in the mirror and love him as much as he loved me. I acquired a mastermind group I sit by the river every morning watching the sun come up kicking my negative thoughts in the river learning my why learning the beauty of this world I fought for learning to love this wonderful life God has given me and to build the hottest fire known to man to build my desire.
I now accept failure as a stepping stone to grab my desire. To ask for help and to always take that next step or take that extra stroke swimming never looking back just keeps on reaching for my desire.
I have come a long way in over two years and my desire is getting closer and closer. Thanks to my MFF family and Shelly Michael and Linda.
Much love
Ernest Tucker

Lesson plan from Ernest Tucker on chapter 2 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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