Donna Gouldthorpe

Donna Gouldthorpe, Vacaville, California

Hi everyone,
This is my first lesson plan.
The thoughts we put into our subconscious mind is what our conscious mind believes as true. Whether these are negative or positive they are regarded as true. I think these thoughts that we plant in our subconscious are the seeds placed in our conscious. Depending how we are thinking for that particular day, we will attract weeds or blossoms. We are deciding what is happening in our future through our thoughts. Without even realizing it we are in charge of our own destiny. It is in our hands by making a choice to think about what we are putting into our subconscious. By making a choice to tell our minds what we really want instead of waiting for a lucky break or pigs to fly we can obtain many riches.
Doing these exercises allows us as individuals to grow and to obtain control over our minds so we can attract all the things in life that we desire. There has to be desire. You have to give your subconscious specific orders of what you want. Most people believe that if they want it bad enough, they hope, they long, they pray that they will acquire it. In reality your mind is waiting for you to give it direction. Your mind is not smart enough to figure out what you want but it is smart enough to figure out how to get it once you give it orders. You state what you want, and that would be the amount of money you want. You state how your going to get it by way of services and then you are wait to receive the plan.
Once you have desire you must believe. You must believe that what you desire is not only obtainable but going to happen. It is in the unforeseeable future. Your future and it will happen no matter who tells you it won’t, no matter who doubts you because you have faith mixed with emotion and that attracts your desire.

Lesson plan from Donna Gouldthorpe on chapter 4 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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