David Meyer

David Meyer Boise, ID USA

The 30 Day Mental Cleanse!
This is it! This is life! The most valuable thing we have in this world is our time. The most precious thing we have in this life is this moment.
This chapter is definitely meaningful to me, but at the same time I am going through difficult times in my life. I am in a relationship that is ending after 11 years. I have had negative $100 in my bank account for about two weeks and that is definitely hitting me hard, because it is the first time in about 6 years I have had a negative balance in my bank account.
My student loan is $647 every month, and I am trying to do an MLM business on a cell phone due to the fact that I cannot afford a computer right now.
Be postive…auto-suggestion…think and grow rich!
Sometimes I feel like my life is falling apart lately. It is hard to believe I created all of this with my thoughts. The seeds I planted were not very specific. 35 years of planting any seed that was given to me by my parents, society, television, friends, family, and any other programming in this world.
I can’t tell if I am a blue or green yet. I am a super factual type of person, but I am open and direct too. I have said my auto-suggestion affirmation over 6,000 times in the last 14 days. I have planted 6,000 new seeds and just like Napoleon Hill says, there is alway a seed of opportunity in anything negative happening in our life.
In Think And Grow Rich, it states we need the faith of a child in order to manifest our dreams. I pray to God often, “Thank you God that I am making over $1 million dollars a year doing what I love.” I think that fits what Napoleon talks about when he states we should visualize it like it has already happened.
I don’t want more money for material things. My “why” is because I want to reach my highest potential as a human being to show that it is possible to my family and myself. I want to reach my highest potential in life because I really, truly believe that it is why God put us here.
God gave us a body with over 100 trillion living cells. We are walking miracles! Everything about our bodies and minds is beyond anything science can imagine. Auto-suggestion is neccesary to build faith and faith is what connects us to our creator.
“Keep asking and it shall be given to you; keep seeking and you shall find; keep knocking and it shall be opened to you.”
Matthew 7:7.
Thank you Michael Dlouhy and your wife Linda for giving us your time, leadership, guidance, friendship, compliments, praise, positive attitude, Mentoring For Free, 30 Day Mental Cleanse, and the book Success In 10 Steps!

Lesson plan from David Meyer on chapter 4 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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