Darlene Moore, Barnesville, Ohio
Chapter 5
Specialized Knowledge
This chapter means more to me now than it ever has.
Having Specialized Knowledge gives you the ability to adjust to the changes in your life which happen everyday.
We can spend each moment of everyday guiding our life in the direction in which we want it to go. Following the
correct paths. Making the educational decisions needed with the knowledge we have.
Knowing exactly where to find the answers we need to guide our life in the direction we want it to go.
But sometimes life takes a sudden turn and changes everything in your life. Changes we can not foresee.
By taking the time to make our own decision, to control our own life, we become much stronger without realizing it.
Giving us the ability to handle the things which suddenly arrive in our life that we are not expecting. Whether it be
positive or negative.
I would like to share a positive story with you.
I raised my daughter alone. So any insecurity that was in my life, I unfortunately passed onto her.
She moved out on her own at the age of 18 and went to college. I did not hear from her for 2 years. One day I received
a phone call from a total stranger telling me my daughter was going to have surgery and she may not make it through.
This stranger told me I should be there. Then they hung up.
I tried to call my daughter and she did not answer, as usual. So I could not do anything because I did not know where
she was, what hospital she was in, and so on.
I received a phone call 2 days later from my daughter asking why I was not there. It was impossible for me to be there
when I did not even know where she was. Once again we did not talk for about 4 months.
Finally, she picked up the phone and called me. Trying to make me feel guilty for her going through everything she went
through without me there.
We started talking on a regular basis. I discovered her reasoning for not contacting me was she wanted to leave her past
I discovered she was very insecure. I spent hours upon hours on the phone with her, listening to her cry. No matter how
many times I told her she needed to STOP IT, she just kept crying.
I felt secure enough to be my daughters mentor. But it did not matter what I said to her, she refused to listen to me. I was
determined to continue to mentor her. She was determined to continue to refuse to listen to me.
The last week of August she went into the hospital again for the same surgery. I made sure I was going to be there this time.
I packed my bags and went.
Because of things being so busy I did not get a chance to talk to my daughters boyfriend. But I was able to shut up and listen.
I watched him to see who he was, because he was a big influence on my daughter.
If someone was talking positive, he smiled and participated in conversation. If someone was talking negative he did not smile
nor did he participate.
After my daughter was released from the hospital and we were alone in her house, she started asking me questions about my
thoughts on her boyfriend.
I simply explained to her his reaction to the positive and negative I noticed.
The next weekend they went to visit his sister together. When they arrived at his sisters house he sat across from her, instead
of beside her. She made this big insecure scene.
Monday morning my daughter calls me and shares this story with me. She says “Mom, I watched his whole body collapse with
humiliation.” She started to cry. She stated “I have never seen him do that before.”
She thanked me for being the best mom a girl could ask for. She said she had some thinking to do and asked if she could call me
back later. I of course said yes.
Here is what changed:
After sitting in a totally dark room for over 3 hours thinking, she decided it was time to get some specialized knowledge on what
she needed to do. My daughter then spent the next 3 hours at a book store. Looking at every book they had, trying to figure out
which one would help her.
She chose a book titled “How To Be The Best Girlfriend Ever”
Well it was not the book I would have chose for her. But, I had offered her book after book, audio after audio over the last three
years and she always refused them.
My specialized knowledge taught me not to argue but to encourage. So I told her great job!!
Then I encouraged her some more by asking her to call me after each chapter so we could discuss it together.
She read the first chapter and the title of the first chapter was “First We Have To Love Ourselves” Each chapter had a quiz at the
end for her to take and she had to have a certain score to move onto the next chapter. She would call me with what she thought
the answers were. After a long pause, she would ask me what I thought the answers were. She paused because she knew I would
be honest.
My honesty made her cry a couple of times, but since I was able to give her examples she could not argue.
She finished the book. Working on herself with each chapter. Calling me when it got tough. I was so proud of her.
Once she learned how to love herself, she called her boyfriend. They met for coffee and she explained to him what she had done.
He started to cry. He told her he was very proud of her. Upon the boyfriends suggestion, they are now seeing a councilor together.
My daughter was tough on me. She has my stubborness to succeed. But by me having the specialized knowledge to mentor her,
instead of being a bossy stubborn mom, when she walked into the bookstore that day, she found a book which guided her to what I
had been teaching her, without even realizing it.
Even though she totally exhausted me many days, we are taught to believe in someone until they believe in themselves.
I am very blessed to have the honor, to have believed in my daughter, until she believed in herself.
The Mentoring For Free System and The Mental Cleanse has officially given me the chance to give everyone I love a better life. My
husband, daughter, son and all of those who I have met through this system, who has also became part of my loving family.
Thank you Michael, Linda and the Mastermind Team for helping me conquer any obstacle that comes my way with love, confidence,
faith and specialized knowledge.
With much love and appreciation
Darlene Moore
Lesson plan from Darlene Moore on chapter 5 for the 30 day mental cleanse.
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