Darlene Moore

Darlene Moore, Barnesville, Ohio

Chapter 4
The more I read Think and Grow Rich the more I learn. It is suggested in this book we read it at least three times to get all the information needed.
Thanks to Michael and Linda putting together this Mental Cleanse for us to come and learn HOW to Think and Grow Rich, I have discovered there are
times I personally have had to go through a single chapter more than once in order to get the point it is trying to make.
Take this chapter on Auto-Suggestion as an example:
I first had to say a self-talk hundreds of times a day in order to be able to look at myself in the mirror. One day I walked past the mirror and instead
of looking away, I was able to look in the mirror and smile. What an awesome day that was!!
Then I had to change my self-talk, which I said hundreds of times a day, to I deserve to be a better person. One day I knew in my heart I deserve to
be the person I wanted to be. My confidence level went sky high.
At this point I knew I could help anyone else who was struggling with this and I could not wait to pay it forward. I started the Pro System at this point.
I at this point was able to change my self-talk with every little baby step I took. I was in a comfort zone with the confidence I CAN DO THIS.
With Auto Suggestion I am able to overcome something every time I feel the tightness in my chest when a change does occur.
After 7 or more times through this book I have now learned, what I am suppose to learn, the second time around.
I hear Michael say all the time that people go through this Mental Cleanse and then they are able to continue on with life. knowing its value,
they are able to recognize when the people they are helping need the Mental Cleanse and guide them here.
I recently hit a level of success which forces me to be a stronger person within myself, to be able to be the best leader I can be. I started to
question myself. By questioning myself I let it knock me down. I had the choice to quit. But because I stay close (sometime even in) the fire
and I do not miss a call, I heard Michael say on Monday’s call “We were not born to Win. We were not born to Lose. We were born to Choose.
This reminded me that thanks to the Mental Cleanse, we have a loving and caring Mastermind Team who is here to help us overcome our obstacles
instead of using them as a road block. I remembered I had a choice and I did not have to suffer in silence. I contacted a friend for help.
Because I have heard so many stories about people finding success and then self sabotage it, and losing it. I personally want to continue using
the Mental Cleanse because it is helping me grow everyday. I AM growing everyday, and as I grow, I get a new meaning from each chapter, which
is the meaning I need at the time of my growth.
Thanks to the Mental Cleanse, The Mastermind Team and each chapter within it, I will be able to grow with each step of my success and be able to
reach the top with confidence.
I have had the honor of feeling the love Michael and Linda give to believe in us until we believe in ourselves. This belief is not a one time belief.
They believe in us through each step we take. Michael and Linda have been able to share the wealth of this love with many of us, so we can pay
it forward as well. I thank you so much for this.
Much Love and Appreciation
Darlene Moore

Lesson plan from Darlene Moore on chapter 4 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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