Chapter 3 Faith

Chapter 3 Faith

Whatever we believe in our heart is wat turns into our own reality. This is a very big truth, in this chapter we are advised that when we repeat anything to ourselves often enough it happens weather its positive or negative the effect is still the same. So when you tell someone they are good often enough it happens, when you tell someone they are bad it happens.

I had a big ahha moment recently, that was that all my life I had been looking at love the wrong way. For many years my belief was that with love of another person I would be able to heal, That love in my own life would make it all change. Boy was I so wrong, it landed me with women who were unable to love me. Women who saught one thing that was a casual relationship or sex. Now the biggest ahha came from realising that I was seeking to share my love with my own wife and kids. Also with my friends, the charities and more.

For years I had been sharing my love, yet unable to receive it. I was unable to receive that love owing to the pain involved from love and I was unable to cope with such again. However for me I have to open up my heart again and let love in, yes its scary its hard as I always found it hard with women that I barely knew at all. Around a woman who I know and I can be relaxed as anything, its time for me to overcome this fear of women which has stood in my way for too long now.

I recently said to myself that I was ready to be a father, now I am getting to the stage where I am ready to be a husband and partner. It’s taken years to get to such, I know that it is possible to overcome this fear and to move on from such. This has held me back for too long, I have overcome a number of fears yet now its focusing on being a husband and father. Being the best one I can be, Recently I saw a friends post of facebook which was when they are going to get married.

Saying to myself that sounds like fun, I followed the post and went through with such myself to come up with a date for myself getting married 3 Jun 2013. It was days out from the date have set on my own where will I be by this date which is the 5 Jun 2013. Personally its spooky, yet I know that its going to happen and I shall make it happen.

I am using the self confidence formula from later on in the book to start working on such, this has been ongoing for many months now and will continue with such. Knowing that the many women who have cast me aside have been the wrong one, that I am right for my future wife. She is coming and its time to walk this road.

The time has come I have done what I can to prepare myself, I have looked and worked as hard as I can on myself to remove that false programming. Its time to start that phase of my life. Knowing that its all going to be ok in the end and that I will get there, its time to conquer this huge fear of women. I have approached that many women that I know its not funny and yet for me it was what had to be done. Yes I was scared and yet I know now that I am able to be loved and can love another person although some people are completely wrong for me.

Thank you to Michael, Willena and ken for your inspiration and guidance which has been a big inspiration to me, thank you to the wonderful mental cleanse team who has been such a inspiration over the last 2 years. These last two years have allowed me to grow and become that father and husband, to a guy who can have relationships from being unable to have any.

Abundent love and hugs,

Ben Drake,

Mona Vale NSW Sydney Australia

Personal lesson plan for chapter 3 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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