Bev Bojarski

Bev Bojarski, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada

The Fourth Step toward Riches
Knowledge is ONLY Potential Power, it becomes power ONLY when, and if, it is organized into definite plans of action and directed to a definite end. While going over this chapter, this time the word “Power” hit me. What kind of Power is really being talked about here. Life changing power, taking an Idea and bringing it to life with Imagination and Specialized Knowledge, with this design, this recipe I could receive riches in great quantities.
It will take Focus and Determination to refuse to compromise with life by being in a rut, wallowing in self-pity and staying in that rut! Staying in a rut of a mediocre life is demeaning and shows lack of self-worth. It becomes a Habit that becomes harder and harder to Kick! Keeping this phrase in mind will give me a hand up out of this rut: “we rise to high positions or remain at the bottom BECAUSE OF CONDITIONS WE CAN CONTROL……IF WE DESIRE TO CONTROL THEM!!!!!!
Blaming others or wallowing in self-pity only hurts ME, it’s like drinking poison and expecting the enemy to die. We are our own worst enemies most of the time! Having a DESIRE to control my reaction to these obstacles, staying positive, being consistent with my self-talk, being around the right people who will aid me (Mastermind) as opposed to giving ear, time or anything else to negative nay sayers.
The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge. As network marketers we are encouraged to read good books, that uplift, encourage, inspire and teach us. This is a continuous process, it’s called Growth. Bathing is recommended daily for the same reasons, we have to keep ourselves clean from all the negativity that surrounds us. When I stop learning, growing, improving myself as a person, I literally will die. We have to keep our minds alkalized as opposed to acidic. When the PH levels in the pool get low, bacteria starts to grow. I cannot afford to sit around and do nothing, then expect all my dreams to fall into my lap and come to fruition. It sounds rather dumb that people would really think this way, however there are millions who are living life this way!
Let this chapter make us all aware of the importance of what we are doing and WHY we are doing it! This Mastermind group and forum are great tools in helping me fight this ongoing battle, many have been blest by it. Thank you Michael and Linda and all the great thinkers and doers in this Mastermind group!
Bev Bojarski

Lesson plan from Bev Bojarsju on chapter 5 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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