Bev Bojarski

Bev Bojarski, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada

The First Step toward Riches
Mere wishing will not bring or attract riches, it goes much deeper, it is a state of mind. It starts with a Burning Desire that grows and possesses to the point that plans are made and followed through with great persistence. If I truly desire money, or some other thing of great value, it has to become an obsession so that I can convince and convict myself that it will become mine!
I must become money conscious, so thoroughly convinced by my Burning Desire that I am already in possession of it. It certainly sounds like an “All In” process to me. The steps that I need to take are not what most would call spectacular, anyone with the Desire, imagination and Persistence to carry through a plan can do this. This reminds me of what Michael said about self-talk. When people ask him his secret and he tells them to say their positive self-talk 400 times a day or more, they either don’t believe him or they just figure it can’t be that easy, whatever the case the results are the same. I think part of it is, people truly don’t want that success bad enough.
Hill tells us that I will NEVER have riches in great quantities UNLESS I can work myself into a White Heat (wow, that is Hot) Desire for the money and actually Believe, knowing with a surety that I will possess it!
This paragraph from Hill’s lesson really had me thinking: Remember, too, that all who succeed in life get off to a bad start, and pass through many heartbreaking struggles before they “arrive.” The turning point in the lives of those who succeed, usually comes at the moment of some crisis, through which they are introduced to their “other selves.” I really have to become (go through the process, whatever it takes) the person who endures relentlessly to obtain my goal. Yes, that can be life changing, it certainly will add steel to my character, making me stronger, almost a different person. I truly believe that I am becoming that person, with God’s help and the awakening that MFF has provided me with.
Desire backed by Faith pushes reason aside and inspires one to Endure. Mother Nature, nor mere man is no match for such a person who has these qualities!
Bev Bojarski

Lesson plan from Bev Bojarski on chapter 2 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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