Ben Miranda

Ben Miranda – Los Angeles, California

The Fourth Step Toward Riches
In this chapter, Napoleon Hill imparts his powerful insight, at great length, the distinction between General Knowledge and Specialized Knowledge, between Formal Education (miscellaneous) and Practical Information (Street Knowledge), and also between Instruction and Education.
In simple words, Knowledge is and has not Power per se. Knowledge applied is Power. This has value when it’s applied toward some worthy end with Burning Desire, Faith. When it is organized, and intelligently directed, through practical PLANS OF ACTION, to the DEFINITE END of accumulation of monetary and total wealth.
My point of view is that,
• General knowledge, the Formal Education (the organized, basic and miscellaneous ones) produces an Instructed man.
• Specialized Knowledge, the Practical Information (Street Knowledge) produces a Skilled man.
• Both Knowledge produces an Educated Man and he gets results through the assistance of his “Master Mind” group. He realizes, achieves, knows, learns, specializes, and applies the real success’s cycle: Necessity + Idea (Desire) + Specialized knowledge (Around any corner, benchmarking) + Imagination (Capability) + Opportunity + Plan + Action = Successful Business. (Upward Spiral Control)
Without doubt, an Educated Man makes possible to arouse in any person an eager want; be a good listener; be a good talker, become really interested in other people; be a Master with a Heart of Service; be a Leader; (…)
At this point, according to Napoleon Hill’s words, I know I will require to specialize my SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE of the service, product, or profession which I intend to offer in return for fortune, based upon my ability to transmute my DESIRE into its monetary wealth equivalent, through the aid of my “Teamwork” group (up and down line.)
My Personal Experiences:
Most of my specialized knowledge was acquired, during my school years, from Parents, Teachers and Friends for watching, observing, talking, street-knowledge via unsophisticated benchmarking, (…) I had the opportunity to grow close to Our Mother Earth’s beauty. My father and I enjoyed to wake up early and watch the sunrise among the mountains meanwhile both of us were ride in bicycle before to open his store. My mother and I delighted to watch the sundown meanwhile she read her dressmaker’s lessons or a book or just listened to music.
During my life I have applied these knowledge and transmitted to my loved ones. I love every aspect related to eco-ethical-aesthetic concerns. Nowadays, already in the Network Marketing Business, for sure, I will follow the same path. I am focused to apply all of these experiences, specifically the management ones, in order to be a Net-worker, doing what I love to do, achieve my financial freedom, living a life with positive simplicity, teaching my experiences, and being a kind of Counselor with with a Heart of Service
“Knowledge= 1/Ego
More the Ego, Lesser the Knowledge.
Lesser the Ego, More the Knowledge.”
– Albert Einstein.
Thanks MFF’s friends, Masters, Mentors (…) for this incredible mastermind group that helps people own their lives.
Sincerely with love, honesty and gratitude,
Los Angeles, California, USA.

Lesson plan from Ben Miranda on chapter 5 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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