Willena Flewelling

Willena Flewelling – Alberta Canada

Chapter 15: How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear
Last night a friend posted a mind map on my Facebook wall, about “How to
Focus in the Age of Distraction”. The funny part was, I had drawn one very
similar to it, in my journal a few days earlier. This summer has been one of
major changes for me in several key areas of my life, and lately I’ve been
feeling completely overwhelmed. How do I get out of the slump? Where do
I start with the 60 things on my mind map that I “should” be doing each day
but I’m not?
I know three ladies who celebrated their 80th birthday this year. There is
quite a difference from one to another, as to mobility, independence, general
health and state of mind. Why the difference? It isn’t that any of them lived
a rough or damaging lifestyle. But 80 years is a long time, and shows the
cumulative effect of the many little decisions and small steps along the way.
The things they did every day. The slight edge in action…
And that’s exactly what I need to do when I feel overwhelmed. One step at
a time. Baby steps. Every day. The slight edge in action.
Right now my biggest fear is change, which probably ties back to the fear of
poverty. Everything has shifted and moved around. Things I thought I would
not have to do are suddenly thrust into the forefront. I must learn new skills,
and face some things I’ve been avoiding. I must stop hanging back, and get
proactive about taking charge of my life.
As with anything else of real importance in life, it takes diligence and effort.
Growth is a lifelong process.
Learning and growing along with you!
Willena Flewelling
Alberta Canada

Lesson plan from Willena Flewelling on chapter 15 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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