Tonya Heathco

Tonya Heathco – Burns TN

Through lifetime experiences and current business growth I have conquered the ghosts of fear.
My positive self talk has become a sharpened tool in helping me conquer indecision, doubt, and fear. My mastermind family;David H Paul, Mark Michael,Tisha Bell, Matt Geib, and Colleen Peltomaa supports me as my self talk grows stronger.
Currently I have conquered the fear of criticism and now am focused on conquering the fear of ill health. During reading this portion of this chapter, I experienced an ah-ha moment. A personal story related to the fear of ill health shared as follows:
Through years of negative auto-suggestion brought to me by my father and siblings,my physical brain was made ready to accept a physical brain abnormality resulting in life alerting seizure disorder. I remember back as far as early childhood when these people portraying my family would laughingly tell me I had rocks in my head,several times a day every day. The intent was obvious, to make me believe I was stupid and broken. However, they always would follow with a hearty laugh and the words “Oh, I’m just joking”. Years later these harmful words came to fruition. After my brain and body experienced hundreds of seizures every month for multiple years, doctors arrived at a final diagnosis: a rare brain abnormality in which my physical brain appeared to have countless pebble like benign,inoperable,and migrating tumors. These “rocks” in my head were to be the cause of the seizure disorder now managed on a daily basis. Doctors are still puzzled today over this finding because this disorder is genetic, familial,and maternal yet I am the first in the history of my family to experience the symptoms of this disorder. It is evident that auto suggestion works. People fed into my mind that I had rocks in my head. I accepted the words for so long that the auto suggestion became reality. From this I have learned auto suggestion can be used to harm or heal. I have chosen a powerful and positive choice of healing.
For the last several years I have developed a stronger self talk/auto-suggestion and am currently fine tuning the self talk to heal my health and erase the symptoms of this diagnosis. Out of my story comes victory as I use my time, love, and energy helping others develop their own positive self talk to regain peace in their lives while living with seizure disorder.
Through the tragedy of fear of ill health came the miracle of National Seizure Disorders Foundation and the possibility of peace for millions living with seizures.

Lesson plan from Tonya Heathco on chapter 15 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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