Russ Aker

Russ Aker, Portland, Oregon USA

Think and Grow Rich
Chapter 1, Thoughts are Things (review)
“What a different story men would have to tell if only they
would adopt a DEFINITE PURPOSE, and stand by that
purpose until it had time to become an all-consuming
Here is what I have discovered about opportunity. Find a
vehicle, make a plan, work your plan, adjust as necessary.
Here is what matters, that you have a plan and that you
start implementing it along the principles of this book. Be
persistent, don’t give up.
You can dream up all the scenarios in the world as to how
your plan & success will be played out but it is my personal
experience what actually happens will always catch you by
surprise and Hill confirms this in the following paragraph.
“When the opportunity comes, it may appear in a different
form, and a different direction than you expected. That is
one of the tricks of opportunity. It has a sly habit of slipping
in by the back door.” Hill goes on to say, “Often it comes
disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat.
Perhaps this is why so many fail to recognize opportunity.”
I and many of my associates can attest to this. But
because of what we have learned at MFF we’re willing to
come awake to the opportunity presented, and upon
opening our eyes discover it to be a virtual windfall
opportunity, just as Edwin C. Barnes was able to see the
opportunity in Thomas Edison’s dictating machine where
others could not.
Hill, “Before success comes in any man’s life, he is sure to
meet with much temporary defeat, and, perhaps, some
failure. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and
most logical thing to do is to QUIT. That is exactly what the
majority of men do.”
If you have read chapter one of Think and Grow Rich you
will understand what Hill means as he relates the story
of Mr. Darby’s lesson on quitting “THREE FEET FROM GOLD”.
The folks here at this forum, just like the junk man in Hills
story searched out Specialized Knowledge (success principle 5)
and were advised similarly, they’ve discovered their vein of GOLD
was just three feet away…in the free skills training, tools and
mentoring available here at Mentoring for Free.
The next lesson in this chapter is, “A FIFTY CENT
LESSON IN PERSISTENCE” (principle 7). Years later
when Darby recounted the story of his Uncles defeat he
asked Hill, “What can you make of it? What strange power
did that child use, that so completely whipped my uncle?”
Hill says, “The answer to his question will be found in the
principles described in this book. The answer is full and
complete. It contains details and instructions sufficient to
enable anyone to understand, and apply the same force
which the little child accidentally stumbled upon.”
I believe the girls PERSISTENCE was created by a strong
“why”, her burning DESIRE (principle 2). To get that 50
cents from Hills uncle was more powerful than her fear
chapter 15. There was no inDECISION (principle 8) on the
girls’ part and no doubt that she would not leave before
she had that 50 cents.
Hill says, “When you begin to THINK AND GROW RICH,
you will observe that riches begin with a state of mind, with
definiteness of purpose” ( just like the little girl that
defeated Darby’s uncle).
Here is why we quit. We know all the rules of quitting (like
reasons and excuses) we’re reminded by well meaning
family and friends as well. We are often told by these well
meaning people, quit “day dreaming” and be realistic.
Sometimes their message is not so direct but more covert
through innuendo, undertone and body language and we
succumb to it. Combine that with our fears and no “principle”
skills as our first line of defense and we are sure to quit.
Look at the story of Henry Ford and the V8 engine,
“Impossible” his engineers told him over and over for a
year. He would not accept their reasons or doubt.
Hill says Think & Grow Rich was written for those who are
seeking the rules which make others successful.
We are talking about success principles. If you are never
introduced to them you will never come to know their
power. You’ll continue to reinforce the habit of quitting
rather than persistence. But once you are introduced, you
should not ignore them but study them and come to a true
understanding. Then, if you quit you will always know in
your heart, regardless of what you tell others, my lack of
success in network marketing is my fault.
The “Mental Cleanse” forum is about the introduction of
and helping us come to understand the Principles of
Success and actually begin to set in motion the mindset
and fruitful activities of these principles in our daily lives.
Russ Aker
Portland, Oregon

Lesson plan from Russ Aker on chapter 1 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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