Loddy Micucci Melbourne Australia
Our thoughts are made up of many experiences. These experiences start from when we are first born.
Some people suggest that it begins even earlier than that.
Unfortunately many of our early experiences can be negative. Why?
Because people have been programmed by people who are negative.
This means that the subconscious mind feeds on and stores
all of that negative programming that has been passed down from generation to generation.
Of course it is not always negative.
Some people are lucky enough to be touched by an amazing positive individual or individuals.
If this is the case then their whole outlook on life will be positive
and they will achieve incredible things throughout their lives.
I see the whole mastermind group as an amazing group of positive individuals
who are spreading the message of positivity throughout the world.
In doing so we are removing the negativity within our own lives and those we interact with.
This is great when we are plugged into the calls and feel the energy permeating throughout the air waves right into our minds.
When we are not on the calls however. Life has a way of bringing us back to earth.
Once again the negativity is absorbed into our minds like osmosis.
So how do we stop it from impacting on the way we think?
It is of course autosuggestion and self talk.
When you say a positive self talk many times each day with power and passion
you remove the possibility of negativity entering your head space.
This of course takes work as we have all found out.
Are we strong enough and determined enough o persist with saying it consistently with the power and passion required?
If we are then our whole vibrational level is set up to attract positive things into our lives. Negativity cannot penetrate the force field that has been set up.
The problem lies in our ability to continually recite our positive self talk every day.
I have personally found that it’s not always possible to keep up the reciting of a self talk 300 to 400 times each day.
I am wondering if there is a way to help people say their self talk consistently.
One thing that has helped me enormously to remain in a state of positivity
is to adopt an attitude of gratitude.
When I consciously think about and write down five things I am grateful for everyday I feel more positive.
It also helps to flush out negative thoughts.
My autosuggestion is tuned into the positive channel.
I am no longer focused on the negativity around me.
I am instead looking for positive things to add to my list.
This process requires me to think of five new things a each day that I can be grateful for.
So my mind is continually looking for things to add to my list.
This is where the magic lies.
It helps me to look for positive things in my life and generate positive emotions.
This process accompanied with my self talk
and the benefit of belonging to such a positive mastermind group like the 30 day mental cleanse
is a formula for exterminating negativity from my life.
I would be very glad for any other suggestions on how to flush out negative thoughts.
I am sure everybody would benefit from your brilliant input
Loddy Micucci
Lesson plan from Loddy Micucci on chapter 1 for the 30 day mental cleanse.
You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com
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Tags: world help organisation team