Jackie Bubis, Colorado Springs, CO
I’m a pretty good quitter. At least in this industry. Heck, I’ve even started and quit this Mental Cleanse a number of times. It’s starting to tick me off.
I know I have it in me to not quit. I have 9 books that I wrote to prove it. So why have I not been able to convert that same “desire” into my business? Again, it’s starting to tick me off.
As I read this chapter I grabbed onto the promise that “you can regain all that you lost through defeat.”
But the thing that stood out is the statement: When one is truly ready for a thing, it puts in its appearance. Edwin Barnes had a definite major purpose. It started out when he was “in no poisition to act upon it.” But he did act on it. He thought outside the box, I suppose.
The chapter goes on to say that “Barnes was ready for a business association with Edison; moreover, he was determined to remain ready until he got that which he was seeking.
So it’s not a matter of just getting ready, it’s a matter of staying ready. Apparently I have done neither all that well. But I’m still standing so the only choices I have are to give up on this cool dream called MLM or to move forward.
GET ready. STAY ready. I have a hunch that this exercise called the Mental Cleanse is one of the ways to do that.
So I’ll start again. With as much determination as I can muster. And dag gum it, let’s see if I can make it all the way through Chapter 15.
Thanks Michael and Linda for keeping the door open.
Lesson plan from Jackie Bubis on chapter 1 for the 30 day mental cleanse.
You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com
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Tags: world help organisation team