Chapter 2 desire–lesson

Chapter 2 desire
The chapter on desire is a very potent chapter personally, the thing we truly desire within our own hearts is out own burning desire. For me that was a wife and kids, a person need to persue that burning desire until it becomes white hot. Then we can be unstoppable.
I have just realised what has caused so many issues with love on its own over the years. The hardest part is for me I am very demstrative of my own love, that will express it openly. Yet others haven’t and for me that’s hard.  Its hard as am unable to notice that someone else is doing something from love as it’s in a way that am unable to understand or notice. That has created some big issues for me.
The thing I have to work on is being the best person I can be, being that best dad. It’s taken qwuite some time to realise that I have always done my best in every relationship. Although at times it was rough,  this time I am going to commit to loving as best as I can, even though there are people out there who are unprepared to accept and acknowledge how I express love as a person.
Its been a fire for many years now love, although there is all the love in my own life that I will ever need its recognising such. I also have to acknowledge this burning desire for my own family which I suppressed for many years owing to many reasons, through out these last few months that fire has grown so much stronger and more intense. In a way its now also working on accepting that love in my life, the hardest part of it all as I have been unable to observe such.
Over the last few years I have desired to work on my relationship skills and self esteem. Having gone from the ability to keep very few relationships to one that last 6 months was a great big thing for me. It showed yes I can do this, I have to learn to reopen my heart to love again as the pain had kept it away for many years.
One of my other burning desires is having the best health possible and to maintain such. Its been rare to speak about how my health limits me. However in order to maintain my own health which has taken years is a daily thing, it means excise and eating the best I can. Also being aware of my own body and what can happen under certain conditions.  To me that desire for the best health is being aware of yourself as a person, knowing yourself and what you are able to do. Should people be unhappy to assist its their issue. Its coming up on 6 years now that I have been focusing on having what health I can around my health. Sure there are challenges and always will be yet its what is called life its part of my own mountain in life.
I desire the health and the family and will not stop such until it is achieved. Who is with me on such??? Thank you to Michael, linda, Willena and ken for you mentoring guidance and love, your support and encouragement. Thank you to the mental cleanse team for your inspiring lessons.
Abundant love and gratitude
Ben Drake
Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

Personal lesson plan for chapter 2 for the 30 day mental cleanse.
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