Chapter 14 the sixth sense

Chapter 14 The sixth sense
This chapter is about using a sense which is unable to explained, it can and will send a message to us at a time when it is necessary. Many people have been receiving such for many years, however they are unsure what to do with such. They may even believe that such is of little consequence or was not intended for them. As they do not understand something, the 6th sense quite often forwarns us of a danger or an opportunity to succed. We must learn to trust this sixth sense.
It may even forwarn us of something that is about to occur, I can remember a few times when such has occurred personally. Once I was blindfolded and asked how many fingers were infront of me, saying 3 and getting such right. I had no idea what caused such at the time, it was just an impression. The others were supprised to say the least, recently even receiving messages to go and see my doctor after a breakup. It was needed and necessary, as my Doctor said you are doing well considering the breakup and for me after years of anxiety, stress and depression they are now normal. Yes!!! Normally any breakup would of sent me into a downward spiral for as felt hurt by rejection.
This time such was averted as was grounded in love, on a number of occasions I was told via a dream this person was unable to provide the intermacy which was needed. Which ended up being true that they were unable to receive the love which had, yet also unable to accept who was as a person. Its what happens, yet these are just a few times when the sixth sense has told me something.
Hill talks about telaphty in this chapter, that when minds are in sync that it creates that 3rd mind, which you can communicate about anything or even mastermind about things with a person. I have seen that happen at times with my ex that would send a message and they could tell I was in an emotional state, even when they sent me a message recently asking do I still have something I was told they want it back although it was a gift. I already knew they wanted it back as I had been told by such.
Although the sixth sense is unable to be easily defined it quite often picks up on the thought patterns from a indervidual and should another party be attuned to such they will receive such and act or speak on such. It has taken a little while to acknowledge such personally, yet I have had to realised that was getting these all my own life.
Thank you to Michael, linda, Willena and ken for your mentoring and gudence as a person. Thank you to the wonderful mental cleanse team and participants who inspire me to grow as a person.
Abundant love,
Ben Drake
Mona Vale, Sydney NSW Australia

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