Bev Bojarski

Bev Bojarski, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada

Indecision blends with Doubt and becomes a dreaded Fear! This is a slow process and often develops unnoticed. What helps me most is when I live in the present moment, I have more clarity and have more awareness to detect this insidious Fear!
Fear(s) are a state of mind, therefore they Can Be Controlled! I do this through, yep, Self-Talk, living in Positive Emotions and living in the Present! At this point in the book the reader should have a good idea of How Important Self-Talk is to their Success in Life!
This paragraph from this chapter really hit home with me:
****FEAR OF POVERTY This fear paralyzes the faculty of reason, destroys the faculty of imagination kills off self-reliance, undermines enthusiasm, discourages initiative, leads to uncertainty of purpose, encourages procrastination, wipes out enthusiasm and makes self-control an impossibility. It takes the charm from one’s personality, destroys the possibility of accurate thinking, diverts concentration of effort, it masters persistence, turns the will-power into nothingness, destroys ambition, beclouds the memory and invites failure in every conceivable form; it kills love and assassinates the finer emotions of the heart, discourages friendship and invites disaster in a hundred forms, leads to sleeplessness, misery and unhappiness—and all this despite the obvious truth that we live in a world of over-abundance of everything the heart could desire, with nothing standing between us and our desires, excepting lack of a definite purpose.****
Read the above paragraph over several times and that should spur you to be proactively positive! Just look at the Many Ways fear destroys! Not what I want!!!
Worry is a state of mind based on Fear, it imbeds itself deeply, paralyzing reasoning, destroying self-confidence and initiative! I have a friend who is having a hard time coping with her thoughts based from her Fears from a disorder her mind suffers from. She is so focused on being afraid and worrying about things she has no control over. She is not opened to any form of positive reasoning, the fear is so imbedded within her.
I cringe at the thought of my negative emotions being passed onto others, having put others ahead of myself all my life. This has helped me to realize that I must “Do” for myself first, before I can or will be of help to others. This means keeping a positive mind and not reacting to others negativity. I need to scream “Run”, when I sense those who live in such negativity coming my way! At least until I can learn to effectively block their negativity from entering my thoughts! This is a process, one that I will be working on for a long time. As long as I am proactive in doing so, I will have success!
There is a price to not applying this chapter to my life, that price is Failure….nope it’s too high a price for Me!!!
Bev Bojarski

Lesson plan from Bev Bojarski on chapter for 15 the 30 day mental cleanse.

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