Mervyn Drury

Mervyn Drury, Canberra ACT, Australia

The Ninth Step toward Riches
In today’s world where there is so much knowledge, in the forms gathered from INFINITE INTELLIGENCE, ACCUMULATED EXPERIENCE and EXPERIMENT AND RESEARCH, no one man can hope to have the brain and mind capacity to store such a vast resource. Therefore he must call upon other people’s minds and brains to input ideas into any given burning desire.
Hill tells us that where two peoples’ brains are used in collaboration they form a third which has infinitely more capacity than the original two combined, and are thus able to convert more easily and successfully the original desire into riches. Such a combination of minds is known as a Master Mind Group.
Henry ford had a Master Mind Group of people, numbering 50, each supplying knowledge, which was not directly available to the other members of the Group.
Look at today’s large companies, why are they so successful because the call on the minds of many different faculties in the form of engineers, architects, accounts, etc. each putting forward ideas which form the driving force to bring about the desire for increased profit and riches. The small man and family companies cannot compete in such a world and thus we see the failure of so many smaller companies.
In our own lives to succeed we must also employ the Master Mind Principle to ensure that we are successful in achieving our dreams and passionate desires. I for one believed that I could do it on my own and it has been hard to reach out to others for help. I am still not used to doing it and each day I have to try and achieve asking for more help particularly in areas where I have little knowledge.
I tried building my own website but failed miserable. When I asked for help it came and the web site, which is user friendly was built in a few weeks. I had spent many hours and achieved nothing where as using a Master Mind Group my ideas were transformed into a website easily and with much more commercial attraction than I could have achieved on my own.
Likewise I have struggled with myself talk until someone pointed me towards Ken Klemm’s Training on the subject. It is much more forceful now and I know it will help remove the negative thoughts.
Thank you all for your valuable contribution and a special thank you to Michael and Linda for forming this group.
Love to you all
Mervyn Drury
Canberra, ACT, Australia

Lesson plan from Mervyn Drury on chapter 10 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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