Lawrence P Bergfeld

Lawrence P Bergfeld

What this chapter meant to me is masterminding with others like Henry Ford and Andrew Carnegie did. And more importantly using what I have learned from them by adding it to my plan of action.
It is not enough to begin with the end in mind and use what you have learned from the experts. It is testing what they have taught you and getting results. Without results we are not a leader. And when we do not get the results we want we must ask ourselves why haven’t we accomplished what we wanted to? Then we must figure out how we can adjust and if we do not know the answer ask again the mastermind group.
Lets avoid suffering in silence and lets make sure we have a detailed plan of action just like Sarah Thompson has taught us. But lets not get stuck on the how. Lets get to the why and the BURNING DESIRE. Because when people see that we are so energetic and having fun like we were at a party. They want to know “Is there a party going on right here?”
When that happens it is either someone who is at a leadership level on a scale of 1-10. Ten being the highest one being the lowest. Does not matter. Over time if the person is coachable then he can develop himself from a two to a nine over time.
He will join you if he knows you, likes you and trusts you. More importantly have common interests. Because the more you have in common the more time he will want to spend with you!!
Lawrence Bergfeld

Lesson plan from Lawrence Bergfeld on chapter 10 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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