David H. Paul

David H. Paul

POWER may be defined as “organized and intelligently directed KNOWLEDGE.”
Power, as the term is here used, refers to ORGANIZED effort, sufficient to
enable an individual to transmute DESIRE into its monetary equivalent.
ORGANIZED effort is produced through the coordination of effort of two or
more people, who work toward a DEFINITE end, in a spirit of HARMONY.
-Napoleon Hill
And this is what I have come to understand as the Power of the Mastermind.
When I first came online 15 years ago, looking for a way to make money from home, I thought that all I needed was my own determination and the right information in order to be successful. I’d like to say that I quickly learned otherwise, but the truth is I attempted to exert my own Will Power for most of that 15 years.
Ironically, I had experienced the power of the mastermind as a member of a 12-step program. It was amazing how people could come together in unity and definite purpose and be successfully healed. What I was not able to understand was that this unity and harmony where to backbone and key to all success, both in life and in business. This is probably why it took me so many years to find success in harnessing true power in my business life.
So, when I came into Mentoring for Free I was instantly drawn to 30 Day Mental Cleanse, because I had experienced the power of the mastermind before, and I Really Wanted and Desired what these network marketers had, success in life and business. And, as I learned the principles in “Think and Grow Rich” and saw how precisely the power of the mastermind was being utilized, I realize that I had found home.
Because of the healing and strength gained from being a part of 30 Day Mental Cleanse Mastermind, I know that I am becoming the leader that people want to follow. As long as I stay willing to do whatever it takes to let go of my ego and my self-will and allow the harmony and power of the mastermind to work within me, success in life and business is mine. I can feel a rush of pure energy coursing through me as I imagine all of my MFF family being on the same page. That energy is made from the emotions of love, faith, sex, romance, enthusiasm, hope, desire and prosperity.
I cannot express enough just how grateful and proud I am to know, feel and whitness the power of The Most Harmonious Mastermind for Network Marketers on planet earth. What a gift that just keeps on giving. This is a gift that I plan to keep on giving for the rest of my life.
To your Peace and Prosperity,
David H. Paul
St. Cloud, MN USA

Lesson plan from David H Paul on chapter 10 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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