Barton Felipe

Barton Felipe

Chapter 11 – The Mystery of Sex Transmutation
“The human mind responds to stimulation! Among the
greatest, and most powerful of these stimuli is the urge
of sex. When harnessed and transmuted, this driving force
is capable of lifting men into that higher sphere of thought
which enables them to master the sources of worry and
petty annoyance which beset their pathway on the lower
It’s similar to when you hear big news that will significantly
affect you and your business for the better. Your excitement
builds and tends to keep you up all night.
With all that energy, what do you do with it?
Well, first it takes patience and a lot of listening to that
“still small voice within”.
We need to trust what comes from our “Creative Imagination”,
or what Hill would most likely call our “Sixth Sense”. This
trust, or gut feeling, will allow us to take action toward the
right direction.
Now is where you need to focus, using WILLPOWER, into
the “outlet” you choose to direct it to.
Love, is the outlet I choose to direct my natural sex energy.
I’ve always wondered why Love never fails. It’s pretty obvious
that it’s because it’s a positive emotion. And as long as the
energy is directed to a positive outlet, it works everytime.
Funny story: my professor last year said don’t marry for love.
I never understood him. Although, he is right! Love doesn’t
endure by itself. It needs sex and romance to create the
“holy triumvirate”.
With much love and appreciation,
Barton Felipe
P.S. Want to ramp up your business a little faster? Be a
mentor with a servant’s heart, WITH INTENSITY! Want to
serve. You are born to serve.

Lesson plan from Barton Felipe on chapter 11 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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