Three closing questions that will thrill your prospects.

Three closing questions that will thrill your prospects.
Your prospects enjoy being treated as adults. They hate manipulation or tricky closing questions such as:
* Don’t you love your family?
* Any three-year-old can see this is a great opportunity – do you have any problem with it?
* Are you a decision-maker or a loser?
Yes, these are pretty rude closing statements, so why not try:
* So, what do you think?
* And that’s it.
* And the rest is up to you.
These are very low-key, non-threatening closing statements. You’re telling the prospects that you respect them as adults, and that they are capable of making their own decisions based on the information you have given them.
Just one caution. These closing statements only work if you have completely answered the three major questions prospects want to have answered in order to make an intelligent decision. So make sure your presentation is complete.
If you want to be even more efficient, you might want to listen to my three audio CDs describing how to give a one-minute presentation. You can get more information by going to:

From Tom Big Al’s Newsletter, a great quick powerful training.

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