These last few weeks

Living my life. Well I have learned a lot over the last 3 months through some trial and error. Some people have shown their true colours or personality and made me realise hey why am I following those people who are unsuccessful or do not understand. Sometimes these people just want to make their presence known and push people around, tell them what to do and how to do it. That really hit home last week, despite the fact that I had a bug I still did my personal development. I still managed to get things done, despite being unwell I got things done; today I sat on my weekly conference call and listened to all the successful people.

I have to go back and learn many things, how to make my business work. It is going to take patience yet I am doing the best I can. I stopped blogging regularly on a daily basis owing to recommendation from a unsuccessful person who had merit in what they said. Now that I have come to understand myself, better and understand what was going on well ok it is what happened. My life was a mess owing to programming and the negative influences in my life. Those negative influences has me down and out, I had to choose to listen to other people. I listened to one person and that got me to a point, yet they only helped me start the journey.

Anyway, as I will say my mind is now a lot clearer and I have direction in what I want to do, I am better off. I have realised why some people have stuck around, others have not our personalities were never the same. That was why a friendship destroyed its self 6 months ago; our wants and needs were too different. For me being a person who needs to feel wanted and respected. The old friend could not meet those requirements. So what changed boy I wish I knew what to say, part of it has been having a constant friend in my life. Yet also, finding a mastermind group was willing to help me deal with things, for me finding mentoring for free and doing a mental cleanse has really opened my eyes allowed me to become a better person and to realise the type of person I am.

In my life, I have let others tell me what to do for too long, I left a group a few months ago and finally realised why that group did not work for me. This time I am not going to listen to those negative people that say stop this it is for your own good. When they are not successful themselves, my lack of success is because I have been around the wrong people. Coming from a broken family where I live with no love or love is not shown, that is ok it is not my fault. Yet knowing that someone does really care about me is the one thing I enjoy right now. Sure, I have my ups and downs, yet I know in my heart that I am on the right track now.

There are a number of people who I would thank so many times; they are worth their weight in gold. To me I was searching for a way to volunteer and help people when I closed the chapter on my old life and I found such. I asked myself time and time again what am I going to do when I move away from the coast, I found that answer. I know now that everything is being placed into motion for me to for fill my life’s purpose. The negative people may say but Ben this is not how it has done, tough it is my life and I choose how to live it. I know deep within myself that I am becoming now the person I had to be, those 27 roles or jobs I had in the past each taught me a skill needed for my future. These days it’s goodbye to the negative it is not possible or do not want to know it people and lets go.

See you at the top.

