Success or failure

Life its interesting some people succeed and others will fail. Why because the ones who fail simply give up before it’s their time. Someone else tempts them with a better offer or says oh you are not making any money come and join me and I will help you. I did that once and ages later it feel in my face because of how the person treated others, yet the good part was that there was lessons learnt from such. Sometimes you need to analyse and reset your goals. At other times are you going for the right goal is what you need to ask yourself. Recently during a period of much stress I asked myself a question one which I believe everyone needs to ask themselves. Here is that question….

What would you do… if you were told you only had 24 hours to live?

To me the answer came back quick as anything and I have to keep that answer between myself and those who know that answer, sometimes you may not get a answer that is ok, it may confuse you or it may not be what you thought it would be. To me I received no surprise with my answer; my answer tells me why I continue going and where I am heading. How well it says this is your purpose and I would of never found such without doing a mental cleanse, yet also without the support of some really great friends. Sure it’s rough at times, yet there are things I have to do. We each determine our own success or failure by own our actions or words.

When we try and push, bully or bribe someone to do something for us then we are not confident that they are going to say yes. It means that the person is trying to strengthen their own position so that they have a better chance of getting a favourable outcome. I been thinking about my past close relationships today and what happened, some of it was my own fault. Others well it was a combination of things, however these days I enjoy each day more and more. Right now I need to sort out my stuff and go from there, say goodbye to those who make me feel worse, work out what I am taking with me, find a place and just go. There are things that need to be taken no matter what, clothes mostly yet other things are unable to be replaced some things can be.

If you want to learn more about relationships some of the information is available from this eBook.

Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake
