
Core values, well people have many different belief systems and most of them are built; around whom we are as a person. Therefore, that means that we are essentially a combination of our own upbringing and personality; everyone is different in what they will accept and will not accept. To me there are few signs of rudeness and they say hey I do not respect you or what I have to say is more important to me than anything you are saying.

The main sign of disrespect to me is the fact that some talks over you when you are speaking or when you take a quick breath of air. This can happen when you are talking on the phone, when you are talking one on one with someone else, when you have guests over. An example I attended a funeral recently and one of the attendee’s commented on a small badge I was wearing. Now for me that is ok yet when I went to start talking one of my family; decided to talk right over me. They didn’t let me even talk, they just spoke right over me. To me that is very disrespectful and its plain rude in a way; especially if you start trying to talk or about to say something or answer someone else’s question and one of your family answers the question for you or takes over the conversation. It is hard when you know that the person doing it has no respect either for you or for others. Another example is yelling out to someone through the door to say goodbye, trying to talk to someone when they are on the phone.

To me the 3rd party is often saying well I do not care about you nor do I respect you in any way. I may be having a conversation with someone and they will butt right it; I know I have done it occasionally, however when it gets constant and to the degree that people just talk or do not let you say what you need to say it gets to rude. Especially when it is happening regularly and it is the same person, I know people who as soon as you start talking about your weekend and what you did; they can launch into another story about what’s going on for them or put in their own opinion on the subject without even letting you finish. You literally do not get to even talk about what; it can be them, them, them which is so frustrating. They are like well I do not care in a way or I am more important then you.

Sometimes I go to speak and people just talk right over the top of me or spend 15 minutes talking about one experience they had; even though others have more experience then that person; that person may even be in that industry. You say well I got limited sleep for 48 hours and yet loved it and they will turn around saying that is what it is like in that industry and that is the truth, however I have been in that industry longer then people know. I did not mind the limited sleep, they tend to say well I do not care about what you have to say, let us just listen to what I have to say on the subject in a way. Now that is hard, as often these people have not learned the art of listening they tend to enjoy their own voice speaking. They disrespect people enough that they have to talk right over someone more than anything else does.

It’s more that they are self centred and it does not matter that they are stealing another person’s thunder, story or just need to talk about them. The one thing these people need to do is listen, they need to learn to listen to what is being said and ask questions on what that person is saying. They do not need to interject with their own stories.
