
Influences are very powerful things they come from many sources family, friends or other well meaning people. For me personally I have come to realise who my most destructive influences are now when I am around those people too long or too much I tend to start heading down hill if I do not take care of my own personal needs for me when I am starting to feel the pressure of others rubbish or programming happens to be by myself starting to feel tired and letting the old stinking thinking come back to play. What it means is that I have to learn to switch off and disassociate from those exceptionally powerful negative influences which tend to push me around.

How do I do this or work on doing such by surrounding myself with good positive emotions and switching off from the negative influences and people who tend to just pull you down. Everyone knows of those people who just tend to pull you down, they make you feel worse. Now for me I have a good run then suddenly slam I hit the wall as I am working on building up my strength up again. It is only because I have not been around the right influences that I tend to go downward or that I am not feeling loved and supported. Anyway all I can say is people need to get themselves around the right people and people who will support and encourage them.

Those people are at times the ones who are there for you through thick and thin. They say ok you are having a bad time let’s work through this, let’s talk this out. They listen and help as much as they can, they do not drag you down these are real friends. I realised recently who my real friends are and I am glad to have them, having found another gem of a friend who is a good person. A lot of people’s negative influences come from programming either by the TV, news, stock reports or otherwise you end up receiving that programming. What lovely programming does leaving the TV on crime do to your mind whist you sleep or ABC talk back radio? Yet that’s what I see happen. People destroy their own and others life’s because of such programming.

Anyway this programming has to be removed before we can learn to make anything of ourselves. So what is best is turning off the TV, the radio etc and only reading and listening to positive things. Do this at night and you can really improve yourself, how try a 30-day mental cleanse which is available via and let me know how you go. Anyway have a great day and I will write some more soon.
