By now I would of thought things would of been so different, I guess for me I grew up wanting a family and many things, yet having not achieved them for many reasons is not a big deal. It’s been a interesting journey, learning about myself and what completes me. My talents and whom I am as a person, for me even finding the sport that I enjoy most as a person. I enjoy swimming and that is great and loads of fun for me. There are many things I am looking forwards to, being a father, getting married and so much more.
Anyway onto today’s topic protein getting enough protein in our diets from sources such as chicken will help keep us fuller for longer. Making sure that we are not as hungry also, it is essential that people eat protein to keep their hunger under control or they will need more food to feel satisfied and essentially more fats and sugars which are not being burnt off during the day through exercise or being active in some way.
Anyway as I walk this road ahead of me I know I am ok and that I will do well.