I love my life.

Reflecting on these last few years, they have not always been easy with own weight loss and everything. Yet right now, I am glad most of all for those things that are going on right now, those great friendships, which I have slowly started to form. I am starting to finally get people to realise that at times I need help, by that I mean I am not only accepting my own limits, I am also finding some of the best friendships lately. To me that is the greatest thing, having met some great people who are wonderful and great people.

I am working to leave my past behind and walk towards that future which to me is sounding so great. Knowing that there is a bright future for me out there, knowing that I have been successful with own weight loss and have survived this long. Anyway to lose over 36 kilos really does make me feel great, to have as much energy as I do now well that is wonderful. To experience what I am now is amazing.

Should something go bad well I am supported, loved and more. I will manage to get through it, nothing can be that bad. Anyway it is time for me to work on building that life that I love, I know that I am now someone who can no longer sit behind a desk for hours on end. I have to be mobile or my health goes bad. Anyway its part of what happens, yet most of all I love what I do now and have learnt so much about myself these last few years. I have learnt who I am as person, that I am a able to leave my past behind and make that better life. A life where I am exceptionally happy for me that is many things and it is time to build such.

I am glad of my achievements, which include my weight loss, obtaining my MRO (Marine Radio Operator), which to me has been great. For me I have always been out there in the community working and helping people, it’s who I am. I have always given and found that is part of who I am, even if it is frustrating at times. Yet there has never been a challenge before me, which I have not been able to solve, and to become better as a person. Every challenge is set before me for a reason and well it is time to take that challenge and work from there to become a stronger person.
