A new journey part 2

Ok continuing on from yesterday’s blog. What is meant by a lifestyle that want to design? It’s about creating a life away from the current situation and walking away from such. At the moment yes I am tending to keep quiet about what is going on trying to avoid destroying the friendships which have seen happen. Leaving the rough stuff out until know its a true friend. The life that refer to is a life of positive.

It is a life where I am comfortable and able to experience a life that truly desire,  living the ultimate lifestyle, yet also knowing that have those who really do care deeply and in own heart. That is the type of life that I am designing, a life where am healthy, a husband and father. That is the life wanting to create kids and wife with a wonderful family. Able to have friends come over for meals, dinner or lunch which does include colleagues, having fun and enjoying myself seeing the world and sharing many great experiences with wife who I love deeply. That is the best way to describe that life.

Yes I am working on getting a business going. The challenges ahead that need work health, lifestyle and kids. I am glad to have met some of the greatest people that know right now, some of them are wonderful and amazing people.
