Ok a new blog for me; I have deleted the old one to allow me a fresh start with a new journey. I am going to avoid bringing negative into such; unless there is a lesson to be learnt from such. This means leaving complaints out, despite the past injustices it is time to work on building my own better life. So let us get started again at the beginning.
I am running my own business and really enjoy what the business has brought me health wise. I have had so many improvements in my physical health over the past 2 years despite the fact that I have worked hard on getting away from a past, which has had many challenges. These days the one thing that I will not accept and never have is bullying or any form of it. If someone starts to sound demeaning or putting, me down in some way I will walk away.
I grew up in a home environment which was somewhat disruptive, aggressive and not the best environment. Hence, why I walk away from bullying in any form; having had such in my life, it is hard yet I have had to work to create a new life where was able to walk away from such. Even though at times it can be how someone has worded a email, letter or subject. It is hard for me to know at times, what will bring something up; I am working to be more aware of such.
I have held a number of volunteering roles from first aider to my current role with marine rescue. Over the last 15 years there has been a number of volunteering roles. Initially I was training in information technology, I left that area for health reasons. Anyway I just love my business and my health improvements despite having limits it is what happens, yet those limits change reguarly. Yes there have been a number of small and big wins over the years, yet its allowed building confidence.
Anyway it is time to build that confidence more and more. To say goodbye to the old life and walk away from that life. Living that life that desire and truly want to live.
Tags: world help organisation team