True leadership Part 3 – Persistence

True leadership Part 3 – Persistence

This post follows on from parts 1 and 2 of true leadership

Another sign of a true leader is brought about in Frank LooSer’s lesson and Russ Aker’s lesson from the 30 day mental cleanse on persistence. As is studied this week from Think and Grow Rich.

The hard part is at times we let others fear take us away from our goal or dream owing to their bashing that dream and eventually saying we are out. It’s something that has happened before personally, yet I had to build that quality and determination.

In any leadership position there are lessons that have to be learned. It’s the same in any business, you are unable to just become a success overnight. Those who give up on something after a while are showing they lack persistence and determination. When you say I will do that later and it never gets done you are lacking persistence.

Somethings need to be worked at a little bit at a time, like accounts for business. Like promoting your brand, like your health. You have to gradually get a little bit better at it every single day. As Frank states in his lesson, you show regularly how persistent you are. Sometimes it’s just turning up and doing the required work that needs to be done to become successful. The thing is some people see it as too hard work, so they quit or stop doing such. Persistence is also turning up at the meetings regularly.

They get tired of the ridicule and just walk away. Part of being a leader comes back to accepting that others aren’t the same as you are and that they may be incapable of being a success owing to having stopped doing things all their lives. They have to know they can do something to become a success. They have given up on their own goals and dreams and so they attempt to knock your own dreams. These are the dream stealers.

Yes there will be people who knock you and say you shouldn’t be doing that. This is how it works to pull you down to their level as they believe they are much smarter than you are. The hard part is some people are unable to handle that you are not conforming to their wishes. They believe they can get whatever they want by dragging you down.

Having been in business 9 years now knowing that have to also focus on own health is the best thing. Yet I have also learnt so many lessons from those years in business, needing to learn mentoring, teaching, administration, customer service, rite and wrong decisions, family relationships, ways to have the best health, financial management, relationships.

There were so many lessons that had to be learnt even what is not love and what is love as a person. All of this had to be learned to become a success, I also had to learn to be less scared of stuffing up as bad as some of the people know have. I have seen some people make some big mistakes and even made them myself having been yelled at for such mistakes rather than supported in the way that it is a learning experience personally.

When you move through those learning experiences and encourage your own growth rather than live in fear you grow as a person. When you persist you learn what works and what does not work. That is persistence. You need to be willing to make those mistakes and keep on going no matter what, keep on going through the ridicule at times having been told was determined to get what was looking for and you bet I was.

The friend who said that knew that was looking for true love, that believed in it. Yet had been unable to find it, I just needed to learn what true love wasn’t first before experiencing such. I learned that over a number of years. Sometimes our lessons do take years to learn as we have to keep on making mistakes until we get it right. When you do you eventually do win.

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