David H. Paul

David H. Paul- St. Cloud, MN USA

The SIXTH SENSE is that portion of the subconscious mind which has been
referred to as the Creative Imagination. It has also been referred to as the
“receiving set” through which ideas, plans, and thoughts flash into the mind.
The “flashes” are sometimes called “hunches” or “inspirations.”
This past month has been the start of a major career transition in my life, the likes of which would have resulted in much doom and gloom and feelings of shame and failure just a few years ago. But, because of my committed participation in 30 Day Mental Cleanse and my commitment to actively learning and practicing the Law of Attraction,  I am seeing this transition as a major blessing and an opportunity to truly step into and follow my bliss by welcoming and acting on my sixth sense. I want to share with all of you what happened, what I did about it, and how I am progressing toward my dream life by listening to and following my sixth sense.
On Oct. 29th, 2012, I received a call from a social working informing me that two of my four foster care clients where moving out of my home on Oct. 31st; two days notice. What was interesting was the fact that just a week earlier I was informed that my other two client would be leaving as well, most likely by the end of November. Over the past 3.5 years I have come to rely exclusively on the money from my foster care business to easily pay my bills, and I have not saved a dime.  Panic, right? No, and here is why…
I wanted to move out of foster care, and I had created a 5 years plan to do so. What I had not anticipated was the strength of my positive emotions around moving out of foster care. My emotions and anticipated where so strong that “Infinite Intelligence” tuned into those strong, positive emotions and gave me exactly what I wanted, out. So, went from a five year plan to a 30 day plan. Wow!
The key difference between how I used to react in situations like this (my income taking the glide angle of a brick), and how I have now been taking Action, is that I made a decision to listen to my sixth sense, or what I call “the still, small voice”. I was encouraged by a friend to participate in a 21 Day Mediation Challenge on Creating Abundance by Deepak Chopra. The timing could not have been more perfect, and I did it… All 21 days in a row.  Another Wow!
Because, I got focused on my sixth sense and decided to listen and take action, I have found a good job, I’ve found a wonderful opportunity to expand on and do more of what I am really good at (helping business owners follow their bliss and thrive), and I have opened several doors to securing living arrangements for my son and I.  There is much more unfolding every day, and I am in gleeful anticipation of the amazing possibilities.
The big lesson learns this week for me has been: Learn to hear and take action on your sixth sense, and abundance and prosperity will poor into your life like a never ending waterfall.
To Your Peace and Prosperity,
David H. Paul

Lesson plan from David H Paul on chapter 14 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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