Ken Klemm

Ken Klemm – Florida, USA

Beyond the Farm, Part 3
12. (The Subconscious Mind). The connecting Link?
Between what and what? How is the connection made?
The connection is always present in stasis – waiting
for a CAUSE to react to.
The state of Awareness, or Knowing, is Consciousness.
Descartes said, “I THINK, therefore I AM.”
MIND is the container of Consciousness, its substance
is THOUGHT. The individual human has 3 known levels of
consciousness, although Hill only speaks of two of
The CONSCIOUS MIND is aware of the objective, outer
physical world. Its tools are observation, reason,
choice and willpower.
The SUBCONSCIOUS MIND is aware of nothing external – it
is a subjective, reactive machine, running its
programs. It is also the Connecting Link to…
The SUPER-CONSCIOUS MIND… is aware of inner world of
the Universe. It does not communicate with the
UNIVERSAL MIND, nor does it need to. It is PART OF the
Universal, similar to the way each of Your cells is
part of Your organism.
Every cell is a self-contained living force, with
limited intelligence, capable of performing only a few
functions. They are all linked through the HARMONY of
identical DNA.
Viruses disrupt the Harmony of an organism by altering
the DNA of individual cells. Healthy immune system
cells must destroy these renegade cells to protect the
survival of the whole. Much can be learned about the
functioning of the MASTERMIND by pondering this.
The static Subconscious Mind reacts – coordinates and
directs the legions of individual cells.
The Subconscious reacts to Causes, producing Effects to
return to a state of BALANCE.
When You are wounded, the Effect is repair within hours
or days. A physician may use stitches or staples to
hold Your parts together to speed healing and reduce
scarring. Scar tissue is the mortar bonding the broken
bricks. Similarly, a physician will set and cast a
broken bone so it will fuse straight.
FEELINGS are the Language of the Subconscious in its
rapport with the static Conscious and Super-Conscious.
Feelings are the Effects of external Causes. There are
no Decisions here – the Feelings are reactions based on
BELIEF programs. Feelings, in turn, are the Causes
which generate Effects produced by the Conscious and
Super-Conscious. The FORCE driving these Feelings is
called EMOTION.
The Polarity of Emotion Energy fluctuates between
Positive and Negative, depending again on the
programmed responses to circumstances. Thus, the
Subconscious CONTROLS both the Conscious and
Super-Conscious. There is also a NEUTRAL state which we
will discuss in Chapter 14, bypassing the Subconscious
and linking the Conscious directly to the
How You react in general with words and actions is
determined by the PREDOMINANT Polarity of Your Emotion.
This is called ATTITUDE.
A Positive Attitude –  with its corresponding Feelings
of Desire, Faith, Love, Sex, Enthusiasm, Romance, Hope
and Prosperity – Causes the Effects of Health, Growth,
Creation and Happiness.
A Negative Attitude – with its corresponding Feelings
of Fear, Jealousy, Hatred, Revenge, Greed,
Superstition, Anger and Lack – Causes the Effects of
Illness, Decay, Destruction and Sadness.
Your conscious WILLPOWER directs this DECISION and
PERSISTENCE. It is Your CAUSE to Affect Your
Subconscious, which controls You.
Your Friend and Servant,
Ken Klemm – Florida, USA
P.S. 12. Although the Universe and all levels of
Consciousness are static, constantly seeking a Return
to Balance, they are also volatile. There are vast
numbers of Effects from corresponding Causes which, in
turn, trigger endless cycles of Cause and Effect.
Therefore an Effect of the Law of Balance is inevitable
EMBRACE Change and React to it from a predominant
position of POSITIVE.
“I AM, therefore I THINK, Reason and Create.” ~ The
Universal Mind

Lesson plan from Ken Klemm on chapter 12 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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