Chapter 10 The power of the mastermind

Chapter 10: The power of the mastermind

The driving force

The ninth step towards riches

Within our own lives there are many mastermind groups that we have. When two or minds come together a mastermind is created whist some mastermind groups are functional, others are dysfunctional and are often in chaos. I have seen mastermind groups which are functional and dysfunctional.

When two or more minds come together to work out a problem they create a third mind which may will at times possibly offer a solution to the problem that is at hand. When the minds are focused on the negative emotions lack then they tend to sabotage and destroy any chances of harmony. Yet when they are focused on the positive emotions such as abundance then everyone wins and there is harmony.

As hill states in this chapter knowledge may be acquired from any of the forgoing sources (see bellow). It may be converted into power by organising into definite plans and by expressing these plans in terms of action.

The sources are

a) Infinite intelligence

b) Accumulated experience

c) Experimtent and research

When we do such and work in harmony with others then work towards our definite goal and purpose as a person. However at times a persons greatest influence from his own family or friends can literally destroy someone until they are able to move themselves to the positive stream of life. I had a huge insight recently which says a lot to me, all my life I have been programmed from my own mastermind group (family) that I am not good enough from a young age that became my belief and now I have to change that.

“Everyone who has accumulated a great fortune has, recognised the existence of this stream of life “Positive and negative” it consists of ones thinking process. The positive emotions of thought from the stream wich carries one to fortune or the negative emotions from the side which carries one down to poverty” quotes napoleon hill which side of life are you working to stay on.

For me its been learning that I worth it despite my past programming. Its been learning that I can do this, that has taken many years to uncover and realise that it was others issues and not my own that caused their problem. I am starting to learn I am good enough and to love myself thanks to Michael and the wonderful mental cleanse group. Its been a process, I have had to learn so much and form my own mastermind group of people who could assist me with my health and getting my own life back together.

That took time, it’s been a journey and as I was told recently “You’ve changed so much since you first came here, you used to be such a grouch and so miserable when you came up here”. These days its no longer the case, I chatting more with people. Its taken work and a lot of time to be able to do such yet that’s ok. There are many things that need to change and I have to work on them one at a time, each thing that I have conqured has been part of my journey.

I started my journey to get my heatlh back after being told that I had to lose weight or I would be in trouble and that meant using others skills and abilities to learn a new lifestyle. A new diet, a new regieme of health. A new way of living very much different from what had grown up with.

Thank you to Michael, Willena, Ken, David, Brian and all the wonderful mental cleanse participents for assisting me to put my life back together and the wonderful lessons that inspire me to be a better person.

Abundent love,

Ben Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

Personal lesson plan for chapter 10 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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