Marsha Sortino

Marsha Sortino – Boston, MA

The Fourth Step toward Riches
Recently, I’ve been looking back when I first moved to Boston. No Job and all the job applications I filled out could fill my small closet (no exaggeration here).
Gee I realize how unemployable I have become! I am way past this idea of becoming an employee. I have “NO Will” to follow the crowd in this matter.
I want to own my life, not be dictated by 9-5 job. I’d rather be like “young Halpin, a “go- getter” of the highest order” (Hill, Chapter 4). “Halpin deserves credit for REFUSING TO COMPROMISE WITH LIFE BY ACCEPTING AND KEEPING A JOB HE DID NOT WANT,”…(Hill). That’s me too!
Well, everyone has general knowledge and skills to some degree.
So I asked myself this questions. What specialized knowledge and skill sets do I have now?
I can honestly say that when I joined my first network marketing company,I did not have any skills with network marketing nor did this company teach us about network marketing.
Then I discovered MFF, an organization of volunteers who taught me what network marketing really was and how to use a system that is duplicatable. Network marketing is about the relationships we create with others as we open ourselves. And that is magicical when you learn to be yourself, give of yourself and do it without an agenda.
Hill also explains how Ford had a team of people who could get the answers for him. He didn’t need to know the answer. Aha the magic of being connected to a mastermind group! That’s what we are at MFF – a mastermind group who knows how to inspire others and help each other. I don’t need to have all the answers as I can just point where to find the answers!
KNOWLEDGE will not attract money, unless it is organized, and intelligently directed, through practical PLANS OF ACTION, to the DEFINITE END of accumulation of money (Hill, Chapter 4)
It’s been my experience that in aquiring knowledge, you must have a mastermind group and the skills needed if you are going to be a mentor with a servant’s heart. And a system to use such as MFF makes this possible for me. But the rest is up to me. To the definite end, I must take this knowledge I have learned and organize my plans into practical applications of actions I can do.
And here’s another golden nugget we get at MFF – the personality colors training! Michael says to study people and we can learn to relate with others: learn what makes them tick and create good rapport with them; a know, like and trust relationship.
So in all, I have observed that the approach and the training is wonderful! We learn, get specialized skills and are trained, coached, and mentored.
A network marketer’s journey is about growing, always learning and never giving up.
That’s the journey I’m on now. And being a blue, I don’t need to know all the hows and whys. I just get on the calls and start understanding more and more.
To get this knowledge, these specialized skills, you must stay plugged in to really understand this journey. This is why we have a mastermind group and a variety of training calls is so we can learn and grow.
Thank you Michael & Linda and all the brilliant leaders who mentor, coach and train us. I would not have these skills or knowledge if not for you folks willing to serve me with a mentor’s heart.
Much love and appreciation,
Marsha Sortino

Lesson plan from Marsha Sortino on chapter 5 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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